Chapter 1

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"Ger, I love you." The white haired said.
"What are you talking about? Polen, your fucking with me again!" "I'm not kidding!" He answered. Germany laughed:" yeah yeah! You drank to much!."
Poland shook his head. For the first time, after a really long time, they were in a pub. The Pole drank something yes but it was only one beer and he wouldn't get drunk from one beer. At least he thinks that.
"Oh Poland.." Ger ruffled through the shorter ones hair, "First sleep off your intoxication..." he said after that.
"But I'm not drunk!"
The tall one ignored that and pulled the shortie by his arm. "Niemcy!" he yelled but he got pulled home.
When they arrived at home, he finally let go of him. "Sleep off your intoxication, Polen." He said und pushed the shortie into his room. Than he closed the door.
"Germany.. I'm not drunk.. I.. I just love you.." He said sobbing and fell onto his bed and buried himself in his pillow. Soon after he started to cry. Clearly, he's frustrated. And when the little polish boy is frustrated, he starts to cry.
He also started wondering, Germany usually knew, that Poland don't get drunk from one Beer. But why does he pretend, that he's drunk? Or does he just ignore his words? Maybe he plays dumb.. Or worse, what if he hate homosexuals?!
All these questions and even more are now circled in Poland's head.
Yeah we're doing that shit.
Please don't start a ship war over fictional characters. Thank u

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