Chapter 2

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Poland woke up the next morning. His lips were dry and his eyes burned. He got up and slowly walked to the mirror. He looked at himself. His face was kinda swollen, because of all the crying.
Poland picked out some clothes and went to the bathroom. First, he washed his face. Than he brushed his teeth and put his clothes in.
As the white haired was done, he went to the kitchen to grab some food.
Germany was also there and ate breakfast. He only wore a shirts and some boxers. Not more.
The white haired sat down on a chair and the German turned to him. "Good morning." He greeted the polish who greeted back. Silence.
None of them spoke a word and the shortie started to wonder, if Germany forgot what he said yesterday or if he still just ignores them. Maybe he's also thinking about it. But that can't be. Germany never breaks his head about stupid stuff like that. He don't has time for it.
Ger placed an little basket filled with rolls (or as we say in saxony "Semmeln") on the table. In two bowls he put some scrambled eggs, which he made previously, and put them next to the basket. The tall guy pored coffee in two cups and also placed them on the table. That was the last thing.
As soon he was finished, he sat down across to Poland. He smiled slightly and began to eat. The whole time none of them spoke one word. When they were done, Poland started to clean up the dishes and Germany finally broke the silence.
wHaT wILl He SaY????

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