Chapter 3

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"Polen..?" He asked and the short one look at him. "What you said yesterday... Did you mean it for real? You love me?" Poland look to the ground:"So.. You didn't forget it.." Ger nodded and said:" Yeah... I couldn't sleep all night.." "It seems like it really bothered you.." He nodded again:" I just... I was just wondering if you're telling the truth or if you just said it because of the alcohol, which was kicking in.. But I noticed that you only drank like two beer and you don't get drunk from two beer. So... Do you really mean it?"
"Yeah of course! Do you think I'm fucking with you or some shit?!" the polished dude yelled and the tall one winced. "Well.. Ugh.. Sometimes with you.. You never know.." he tried to save himself but Poland just shook his head from frustration. "So.. You love me..?" "Yes. Yes I do." the white haired answered.
"since when?"
"Like... Since your father introduced you to the countries he conquered, as the new 'Führer'. Thank god that never happened. And than.. When you got separated I got to know you better.. Well at least that one part of you. But Russia already had an eye on you so... "
"wow.. That's a long time.." Ger mumbled. "Yeah.. And that's why I was really happy and glad when you asked me to like do stuff together and-" "What about Russia?" he got interrupted.
oH nOoO

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