Chapter Ten

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I woke up, my head screaming in pain, and took in my surroundings.
'Hi,' I heard a voice coming from the side of me. 'I'm Dr Ramirez, the on call gynaecologist. I've been asked to come and take a look at you, if that's okay?' I nodded, not knowing what was going on. 'I will have to ask you three gentlemen to leave for a few moments.' I saw Drew, Finn and Hunter all stood at the bottom of the gurney that I was lay on.
'Where am I? How did I get here?' I stammered.
'You're at St James' hospital, somebody attacked you.'
'Why don't you tell her the truth?' I heard Drew's voice float from the bottom of the bed. He crossed the room and sat at the side of me on the bed. I looked at him, confused as to why he looked like he had been crying.
'What happened to me?' I demanded.
'He raped you,' came Drew's reply.
'Who did?'
'You don't remembering?' I shook my head. 'I'm so sorry princess,' Drew's voice broke and he started crying. 'It's all my fault. I was a complete ass and we got in a fight, then you stormed off. I tried to find you, but couldn't. I drove around for an hour.'
'All I remember is going back into the centre because I left my headphones in the locker room and someone slammed me onto the floor and I blacked out. Next thing I'm here now, talking to you. Who was it?' I looked from Drew to Hunter to Finn.
'It was Joe,' Hunter finally answered me. 'I was going through the building, making sure everything was switched off, when I walked into the ladies locker room and saw you unconscious on the floor. I thought you had passed out from your workout earlier, tried calling Drew, but he didn't answer, so I called Finn and told him what had happened. Kate, I want you to know that Joe will be dealt with...'
'Fuck off,' Drew spat. 'We all know that Roman is the golden boy. Vince won't do shit.'
'Vimce might not, but Stephanie and I have already agreed to suspend him without pay. We will also be pressing charges against him.'
'No, you won't.' The 3 men looked at me, surprised. 'I don't want the police involved. What is the point of pressing charges when I don't remember what happened?'
'So that's it? He rapes you and gets away with it?
'Drew, I know you're angry, but this is for the best. Trust me.' The doctor ushered the three men out of the room so that she could do a physical examination.

A few hours later, Dr Ramirez came back and discharged me, giving me strict orders to take it easy. Finn dropped me and Drew back to Drew's house. Hunter had told me to only go into work if I felt up to it. I couldn't not go into work, especially as I had only just started.
'What are you thinking?' Drew asked me as I lay my head on his chest, curling into his side and trying to stifle a sob. I couldn't answer him. I didn't want him to know what was going through my mind. That I felt disgusted in myself and that it was probably my fault.

Hunter had called me the following morning and told me that Drew and I wouldn't be needed for the live show, so I stayed in the bedroom all day. By dinnertime, Drew had gotten rather impatient because, aside from the brief phone call from our boss, I hadn't uttered a single word all day. Hearing his footsteps coming upstairs, I pretended to be asleep. Only it wasn't Drew.
'Hey girl, Drew called and told me what's been going on,' I heard Becky say as she walked into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. 'How are you feeling?'
'I feel dirty, keep thinking that I probably deserved it.'
'Babe, you did not deserve what that bastard did to you. I can't believe they haven't fired his ass. Suspended. What a joke.' For what seemed like the hundredth time that day, I broke down in tears. I felt the bed dip at the side of me and Becky started to rub my back. 'Listen to me, you are a badass who will fight back. This is just a blip is all. You have a man downstairs who worships the ground you walk on and he will be your rock. You guys have a wedding to plan, which I had better be maid of honour at.' I chuckled through my tears. 'You have so much going for you. This will not define who you are.' I sniffled and wiped my nose with the sleeve of my sweater.
'Thanks Bex.'
'No need to thank me. You will get through this and Drew and I will be right by your side. Right now, I must shoot off. Have a flight to New York to catch soon. Text me if you need anything.' She hugged me and left me alone again.

'Kate,' I felt Drew gently shaking me, trying to wake me. 'I'm going to order some dinner, what do you fancy?'
'I'm not hungry,' I muttered, pulling the duvet over my head.
'Babe, you gotta eat. I'll order us some Chinese, that way, you can have some when you feel like it.'
'I'm not hungry, okay?' I shouted, pushing the duvet off me again. I stood up and walked out onto the balcony, looking out at the ocean. Drew followed and spun me around to face him.
'Katelyn, something more is going on and I would like to know what.'
'You really wanna know?' Drew nodded and I took a deep breath, tears falling down my cheeks again. 'The doctor said that there's a chance I might not be able to have kids.'

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