Chapter Fifteen

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Drew and I were stood at gorilla, waiting for the last match of the show, Dolph Ziggler versus AJ Styles, to wrap up. Vince had gone out into the ring earlier in the show and told the WWE Universe that there was a big surprise coming at the end of the show.
'Are you ready to do this?' Drew asked, looking over at me.
'Yeah, the fans are gonna find out soon anyway and I'd rather be the one to announce it than have them speculating.'
Out in the ring, AJ had just hit Ziggler with his finishing move, the Styles Clash, and pinned him. 1..2..3. The crowd cheered and I watched on the monitor as AJ celebrated his win with Gallows and Anderson.

As Drew's music played out in the arena, I felt Drew kiss the top of my head and walked out onto the stage.
'What is the NXT champion doing on Smackdown Live?' I heard Michael Cole say on commentary. 'Is this Mr McMahon's Big surprise?' Grabbing a mic from a producer, I took a deep breath, counted to 5 and followed in Drew's footsteps.

'Ladies and gentlemen, what is the power couple of NXT doing here?' Michael Cole said into his headset. The crowd was going wild. 'I've not heard a pop like this in a while.'
Drew and I walked down the ramp and climbed into the ring.
'WWE Universe, how are y'all doing tonight?' Drew yelled into his microphone. The crowd cheered. 'Now, earlier tonight Mr McMahon said that there was a surprise coming at the end of the show. Well, are you ready to hear it?' The crowd cheered again. 'Babe?'
Out of nowhere, Roman's music hit and he walked down to the ring and climbed onto the apron.
'Hey, McIntyre?' Roman said, I could see the lust in his eyes as he looked at me. It made me want to be sick. 'I heard about the announcement and wanted to come down and be the first to congratulate you. So, what's the news? Have you been fired again for being drunk at work? Or have you come out here to tell the world that your little hussy here has been a bad girl? Or...' Roman climbed through the ropes and stood opposite us.
'Shut your mouth Roman before I shut it for you,' Drew hissed. 'And believe me, I'm going to do just that on Wednesday. See, before you came along, I was the chosen one, personally picked by Mr McMahon himself..'
'How did that work out for you? Didn't McMahon say that you were a future world champion? Yet here I stand, a 2 time world champion, and you have held how many world titles? Oh yeah, a big fat zero.' Drew and Roman squared up to each other, looking ready to brawl. I knew I had to step in. And quickly. I stepped between them, putting my hand on Drew's chest to calm him down. I had never seen such intensity in his eyes. Drew looked ready to kill Roman. I lifted the mic to my lips and began to talk.
'Roman, I'm glad you came out here. You see, we do have not one, but two announcements to make and one of them involves you,' I took a deep breath before continuing. 'You see, the WWE Universe deserves to know the truth about why you were suspended. It wasn't for failing drugs tests. No, no, no. Roman Reigns was suspended for attacking a woman. Roman Reigns, the man a lot of you idolise, attacked me at the performance centre.'
'What's the matter sweetheart? McIntyre not giving you any so you come out here spouting malicious lies? Or does his equipment not work?'
'Oh believe me buddy, my equipment works just fine. Why don't you just look up there?' Drew nodded to the titantron, where a picture of our baby's sonogram was displayed. Roman looked behind him and then back at me. 'That's right Roman, Katelyn is 5 months pregnant with my baby. You can just call me Big Daddy Claymore from now on.' Drew turned me to look at him and told me to get out of the ring. As I walked by Roman, he grabbed my arm, pulled me to him and kissed me right on the mouth. I slapped him, hard, across the face and shrugged my arm free from his vice-like grip. As soon as I got out of the ring, Drew hit Roman with a Claymore kick, leaving Roman flat on the canvas, and slid out of the ring and stood next to me at the bottom of the ramp. 'Hey Roman, you think you're better than me? Come down to NXT next week. I'll even put my title on the line.' Drew dropped his mic and we walked back up the ramp and behind the curtain.

All the superstars came to congratulate us on our big news and Vince commended us on 'the best segment I've seen in years.' His words, not mine. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and turned round. It was Joe.
'We need to talk,' he said gruffly, walking down the corridor. I glanced at Drew, who had overheard what Joe had said and hugged me.
'You have your phone on you?' I nodded, taking my iPhone out of the pocket of my skirt. 'Call me now and leave it on. I wanna know what he says. That way, if he tries anything, I'll be right there.' I called his number, put my phone back in my pocket and went after Joe. I found him sat in his locker room, lookinh at his phone. Closing the door behind me, I turned to the Samoan and stood with my arms folded across my chest.
'So? What do you want?' I asked. He looked up, tears in his eyes, but it was like he didn't see me.
'Is it mine?'
'No. Drew is the baby's father,' I lied. There was no way I was going to let him, or anybody else, think otherwise.
'Katelyn, I'm sorry for what I did to you. I was angry because when I saw you on that mat with him, I just wished it was me making you feel that way, not him.'
'That doesn't excuse what you did to me Joe. You raped me and left me there, unconscious.'
'We used to be friends...'
'Yeah, used to be. Look Joe, I accept your apology, but that doesn't change anything. I can't trust you anymore.'
'What? And you can trust McIntyre? He fucked half of the female roster after you broke up.'
'That's in the past. We had split and I was in another country.'
'I nearly lost everything because of the rumor that Drew started. Galina almost divorced me because she thought I was cheating on her. It took months of marriage counselling to get back on track.'
'I'm sorry Joe, but I can't feel sorry for you. Not now. Not after what you did. I have to go back to my fiancé and my friends.' Joe got up from the couch and stood in front of me. He took both my hands in one of his own and used the other to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. I flinched at his touch. Before I know what's happening, Joe pulls me flush against him and kisses me. After a few seconds, he breaks it off.
'Katelyn, I love you.'

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