Chapter Eighteen

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'Has he even shown up yet?' I asked Hunter, I was in the production truck with him and Shawn, waiting for the main event.
'No, I've called him 4 times and left messages,' came Hunter's reply. Of course Joe wasn't going to show up. I knew as soon as I walked out of that locker room last Friday night.
'Give me his number and I'll call him.' Hunter relayed Joe's number to me, I typed it into my phone and hit call. I left the production truck and sat on the steel steps.
'Is Hunter in there?' came a gruff voice. I looked up and saw Joe stood in front of me. I hung up the call and looked at him. He looked a mess, like he hadn't slept in days, his beard wasn't its usual preened self and he stank of booze. I tried my hardest not to gag.
'Um, yeah.' I moved my body to let him pass, he simply stood at the bottom, boring holes into me, like he wanted to talk to me about something. 'Joe..'
'Kate..' he said at the same time. 'You go first.'
'No, you.' He shrugged and started to talk.
'Kate, what I said on Friday was true. I knew I loved you when I asked you to help me with Galina's surprise and we started hanging out together more. Galina knows what happened, I had to come clean after she read that blog post, we got into a fight and she kicked me out. I've been staying with Jim and Naomi the last few days.'
'You shouldn't be drinking Joe.'
'I know, especially when I have this match against Drew in like half an hour, but it's been helping me.'
'You have to get yourself together. You've got kids Joe. If you can't do it for anyone else, do it for them.'
'Is this baby mine? I need an honest answer. It's been driving me crazy since Friday.' I looked up at him and saw how defeated he looked.
'I don't know Joe. There is a chance that you're the father, but it doesn't matter..'
'Yes it does matter,' he shouted. 'It matters to me. I need to know. Galina isn't going to let me back in the house until I know if your baby is mine.' I heard the door behind me open.
'Everything okay out here?' Shawn asked.
'Yeah, fine,' Joe snapped. As he pushed past me on the steps, he said, 'think about it,' and followed Shawn into the truck.

I was stood at ringside, watching in horror as Roman Reigns pummeled Drew into the canvas. The match was over, Roman had pushed me out of the way, causing me to fall backwards and land on my butt, and blindsided Drew as we celebrated his win. I felt helpless that I couldn't jump back into the ring. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Adam Cole, Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly run down the ramp with several officials. William Regal and Hunter stood at the top of the ramp, surveying the carnage. Austin came rushing to my side to make sure I was okay. I could feel stabbing pains in my stomach which made me want to cry, they were excruciating. When I couldn't get the words out, Austin lowered me to the mats, out of sight of the cameras, and hugged me close.
'Baby girl, we need to get you checked over. You took a nasty fall in there.'
'I'm fine...'
'Don't bullshit me Kate. I can see you're in pain.' I looked up to the action in the ring, Bobby and Kyle had managed to fight Roman off, Hunter now in the ring, yelling at Roman, Drew lay flat on his back, his nose looked like it had been broken. I got up and slid back into the ring.
'Drew, baby, are you okay?' He sat up slowly, an official handed him a towel to stem the blood and he pressed it to his nose. I stood up, crossed the ring to where Bobby and Kyle had Roman pinned in the corner. 'What the hell was that? You don't get what you want, so you attack Drew and break his nose?'
'Oh, but I will get what I want mama. Trust me.' He shoved Bobby and Kyle away from him and rolled out of the ring, leaving via the booing crowd. I sank down onto the canvas, the pain in my stomach getting worse, making me want to pass out. I saw Hunter walk down the ramp with a doctor.
'Baby, what's wrong?' I heard Drew ask me. I couldn't look at him. I knew something was wrong with the baby.
'Kate, talk to me,' came the order from the doctor. I couldn't talk, my eyes scrunched up, I just cried out in pain and vomited all over the canvas.
'Call the hospital and tell them to get a midwife on stand by,' Hunter barked. 'Kate, listen to me honey. We're going to take you to the hospital to get you checked over, okay?' I nodded my head slightly. I felt strong arms lifting me under the bottom rope and onto the waiting gurney.

'Katelyn, I didn't think I would be seeing you so soon,' Dr Ramirez said as she walked into the side room where I was. Drew was down in the emergency room getting his nose checked out. 'What have you been doing?' Austin relayed what had happened and the doctor made some notes on her iPad. 'Okay, I'll get the sonographer up here to see how baby is doing, I'm going to order some bloods and we'll take things from there. I'll be back in a few minutes.' With that, she left me alone with Austin, closing the door behind her. Austin and I sat in silence. After a few minutes, we heard a commotion out in the corridor and then Joe shouting at Hunter, who had decided to stay in the halls for this reason.
'I need to see her and you're not going to stop me,' we heard Joe shout. I cowered under the blanket. Austin, sensing my fear, moved from the chair and sat next to me on the bed. Before either of us knew what was going on, Joe came bursting in the room, Hunter right behind him, and sat in the chair that Austin had vacated a few minutes previously.
'You need to leave, right now,' Austin warned, pulling me into his side.
'I don't need to do shit, especially when a nobody like you tells me to do something. I'm not going anywhere until Kate promises to do a paternity test.'
'If it will get you away from me, then fine. I'll do the test.' Joe rose from the chair.
'That's all I wanted,' he said as he left the room.

Drew had been released from the ER and had come up to the maternity ward. Hunter had left half an hour ago, shortly after Joe stormed out, leaving me with Austin and Drew. Luckily, his nose wasn't broken, but it was bruised, which meant he was going to have to miss the next few house shows so that it could heal.
'The sooner we move, the better,' Drew said, taking my hand and rubbing the back of it with his thumb.
'You guys are moving?' Austin asked.
'Yeah, we wanted to talk to you about that actually. I know you're still staying with Bobby, but we wondered if you wanted to move into our place. You don't even need to pay rent, just pay for utilities. We will probably crash there once in a while if neither of us can be bothered to drive to St Petersburg.'
'That sounds great. I can't find anywhere that I like and staying with Bobby is fun to a point, but I need my own space.'
'I feel ya buddy.'

Dr Ramirez came back, closely followed by a sonographer wheeling in a portable ultrasound machine.
'Would you mind waiting outside?' Dr Ramirez asked Austin.
'Sure. I'll go grab us a coffee,' he replied, standing up and walking out of the small room.
'Okay, Katelyn, you know the drill.' I unbuttoned my shirt and pulled down my skirt, exposing my baby bump. The sonographer squirted gel onto my bump and grabbed the wand, moving it across my lower abdomen. I stared at the screen as our baby came into view. 'Hmm, that's odd,' Dr Ramirez said, leaning in to take a closer look at the screen. 'Do either of you have a history of twins in your family?' Drew shook his head.
'Not that I can think of,' I answered. 'Are you telling us that we're having twins?'
'Yes, as you can see on the screen, there is the head of one baby,' she pointed to a shadow on the monitor with her pen and then to another lower down. 'And there is baby number 2.' I could feel tears running down my cheeks and I looked from the monitor to Drew, who was also crying.
'Oh my goodness, Kate,' he breathed. '2 babies.'
'Would you like to know the sexes?' Dr Ramirez smiled.
'It's up to you babe,' I told Drew, who then nodded.
'You're having 2 little boys.' I gasped, my mind working overtime. I knew in that instant that Drew couldnt be the babies' dad. It had to be Joe. I mean, twins ran through the family, right? Drew didn't have any twins in his and I'm almost positive I didn't. Oh fuck!

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