Chapter Thirteen

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The next few weeks were hectic. Between meetings with Hunter and Shawn, hospital appointments and wedding planning, I felt as though I hadn't spent any quality time with Drew in forever as I was always asleep when he came home from PC.

Late one Thursday night, I was curled up on the sofa, Chaz and Hunter lay on their bed, re-reading 'Angels & Demons' by Dan Brown, when there was a knock at the door. I stood up and went to answer it.
'Um, hello. Can I help you?' I said, taking in the tall, blond woman stood on the porch.
'Oh, sorry, I think I have the wrong house.' She turns to walk away and stumbles down the step in her 4inch heels. Regaining her composure, she turns back to me and says, 'does Andrew live here?'
'Who are you?' I demanded, stepping onto the porch and closing the door.
'Who are you?' she asked me.
'I'm his damn fiancée, that's who. So, you can either tell me who you are and what you want or I can call the police and have you escorted off my property.'
'Funny, he never told me that he had a fiancée.'
'Look bitch, I'm 5 months pregnant and don't need some silly skank causing trouble. You have 2 minutes to tell me who are or I will beat your ass into the middle of the road.'
'I'm Lara, I met Andrew at a bar a while ago. We had a night of hot, passionate sex. Several times. I wondered why I hadn't heard from him. Looks like he went from prime steak to hamburger patties,' she sneered, making me want to punch her straight in the face.
'Look, Drew and I are very happy, I have no idea what the hell you think your little show will achieve, but don't you ever darken our door again because I have friends who wouldn't think twice about breaking your arms or popping the silicone in your fake tits, so get the hell out of here or I will call the police and have you arrested for harassment.' I walked back into the house and slammed the door behind me, making sure to lock it.

I was in bed, watching a movie, when Drew got home shortly before midnight. He dropped his gym bag in the closest, got undressed and joined me on the king size bed. He kissed me and lay on his side, facing me.
'You have a good night with Adam and the guys?' I asked him as I stroked his beard.
'Yeah, it was nice. Sorry I didn't come home sooner, we stopped off for food after we finished at the gym.'
'It's fine.'
'You sure you're okay?'
'We had a visitor tonight. Or should I say you had a visitor. Lovely girl called Lara.'
'Oh, for Gods sake. What the fuck did she want?'
'I'm guessing a hook up. She was dressed like a hooker, so probably a quickie before going off to her next client.' Drew laughed.
'Babe, are you jealous? Lara was a one night stand from last year. She kept texting me after, but I never replied. The bitch is crazy. How did she even find out where I live?'
'No idea, I'm just the messenger.'
'Kate, you believe me right? There is no way I would cheat on you. I never cheated before, nor will I ever. You and our baby mean too much to me.' I started crying. 'Hey, what's all this for, huh?'
'I'm sorry, it's just hormones.' Drew cuddled me close to his chest and traced circles on my back, knowing how it calmed me down and made me drift off to sleep.

I woke up alone the next morning. Looking at my phone, the time read 11.34am. Shit! I had overslept and was hours late for work. I launched myself out of bed and walked to my closest, grabbing a purple wrap dress and some black cropped leggings, I put on the bra that was lay on the dresser, quickly followed by my panties, leggings and dress. Sliding my feet into a pair of flip flops, I grab my wallet and phone, checked the balcony door was locked and headed downstairs, calling out Drew's name as I went. There was a note on the TV unit, I unfolded it and read:

'Kate, I know you haven't been sleeping well, so I left you to sleep. I'll be down at PC. Keys to the Land Rover are in the bowl by the front door.
I love you xxx'

I picked up my laptop bag off the couch, checking it had everything I needed in it, grabbed the car keys and left the house via the side door, making sure to lock the door behind me. Pressing the fob for the garage door mechanism, I unlocked the 4x4 and climbed in, putting my bag on the passenger seat. Starting the engine, I linked my phone to the car's Bluetooth system, hitting my Spotify playlist, I backed out of the garage and hit the garage fob again, watching it close, then continued to reverse out of the drive.

I was almost at the Performance Centre, singing along to Bon Jovi when a phone call interrupted me. I hit the call button on the steering wheel.
'Ms Moore, it's Dr Ramirez from St James'. Have I caught you at a bad time?'
'Not at all. I'm just heading to work.'
'Okay, can you come in to see me at some point next week?'
'I can try. Is everything okay?'
'I have a few concerns about your notes.'
'Can you not tell me now? I'm really busy with work at the moment.'
'Have you considered a paternity test? I read through your notes and realised we had met before.' I pulled into the parking lot of the PC.
'What? No, of course I haven't. I haven't cheated on my fiancé...'
'You're the young lady from WWE who was raped, aren't you?'
'I've been trying to forget about that, but yes. That was me. What are you trying to say?'
'The morning after pill that you were given that night you came to the ER qas from a batch that should have been recalled due to the ineffectiveness. You conceived around the time you were raped. There could be a chance that the man who attacked you is your baby's father. I think you and your fiancé should consider taking a paternity test, even if it is to set your mind at ease.'
'Okay, I'll talk to Drew and get back to you.'
'Make sure you do. Thank you Katelyn. '
'No problem. Bye.' I hit the button again to end the call. Switching off the engine, I took my laptop bag off the seat, climbed out of the car and headed into the gym, where I was greeted by the one person I did not want to see.

'What the fuck are you doing here?' I spat at Joe. I fiddled with my phone in my pocket, hopefully I was calling Drew.
'I'm still employed here, remember?' he replied cockily. 'How have you been baby girl?' He took a step forward, so I retreated, causing me to be backed into a corner. 'I can't stop thinking about that night we had.'
'Leave me alone.' I flinched as Joe raised his hand and ran a finger down my cheek. My eyes began to sting. I would rather die than let this prick see that I was weak and afraid of him.
'Now Kate, there's no need to be so rude. After all, you started it that night.'
'You're lying. Now get away from me and leave me alone.'
'I would, but I know that you don't want me to do that.'
'She said step away from her,' came a booming voice from behind Joe.
'Get the fuck outta here Adam. This doesn't concern you.'
'Actually, it does. Nobody hurts my friend and thinks he can get away with it. Now leave the lady alone and be on your way.' Joe turned around to leave and I caught sight of Adam, Bobby and Kyle, all stood with their arms crossed. I fell down onto the cold lino. 'Go and get Drew,' I heard Adam say to his two friends and then footsteps retreating. 'Are you okay, Kate? Come on, let's get you into a locker room and you can relax. He won't be back any time soon.' Adam helped me to my feet and ushered me into the nearest free room. Collapsing on the sofa in the communal area, the tears finally spilled over. Adam sat next to me and motioned for me to cuddle into him, which I did. I felt safe.

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