Off we go

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"What's going on in there?" Harry asked and pointed towards Carlos' head.

"Too much yet nothing at the same time."


"It's just, I remembered something today and that's great. But, it also reminded me even more of just how much I don't know. I remembered one moment out of my whole... fifteen, years." he paused as he had forgotten how old he was. Now that was worrying but not surprising.

"Don't get too worked up over it pup, everything will come back eventually. You might get more answers this afternoon." Harry said reassuringly.

"Thanks Harry. For everything."

"No problem. Now, how about we do a wee bit of exploring aye? We could both use it."

Carlos was quiet for a moment before nodding his head and standing to his feet. He held a hand out for the pirate who grinned and took a hold, getting to his own feet.

"Let's go."

The pair made their way back towards the school and started wondering through the various courtyards and along many paths; they passed the science department and the giant library and the dining room- which they made effort to rush past- before heading to the rendez-vous as noon fell. All the time Harry was watchful and gave a terrifying glare to people who got to close. As they stood at the entrance, waiting for everyone to arrive, Carlos began to pace from left to right as a foreboding feeling fell upon him.

"What's up with you?" Jay asked as he and the rest of the gang walked over.

"Oh, um, nothing." Carlos stuttered as he stopped his pacing with wide eyes at the sudden voice.

"Now we're all here, shall we get on with it?" Mal asked.

"Aye. Ready?" Harry asked Carlos with concerned eyes.

"Yes." Carlos answered, making eye-contact with the older.

His expression was brave and unbothered which he must have mastered after years of practice but inside he was freaking out. He was worried about what he would find and did not want a repeat of last night...

With a deep breath he made his way to the grand doors and asked Ben to lead the way. The king stepped through the doors ahead of Carlos and began the familiar route to the quiter part of the school and that unfortunate old door.

They stopped and Carlos looked with a frown at the door.

"It's locked."

"No one has been in it since... Well, it hasn't been cleaned up." Ben explained and rubbed the back of his neck.

"How did you get in last time? Did you-  oh!" He paused with an small shout of surprise. As his fingertips brushed against the door it swung open, bashing against the cold rock walls ahead, sending a crash echoing down the corridor.

"In we go?" Carlos spoke and his tone made it sound like a question, he was unsure whether to continue down the pitch black corridor.

"Aye. You ready?" Harry asked and held out his hand.

"Ready." Carlos placed his hand in the pirate's and they set off into the darkness.

They had to go single file; Carlos left hand was occupied with Harry's and his right was stretched out and moving against the wall as they walked on. The darkness was silent except for small breaths and muffled footsteps, it made Carlos' hairs stand on end and he could feel the cold air brush past him like the hands of ghosts taunting him. The darkness felt like a blindfold, as if he was awake but could not see; this was familiar and sent a shiver through his body.

Eventually, after too much time walking through the corridor they reached an old and bolted door. Carlos peered round from behind Harry and, with a shaking hand, slowly reached out and pushed it open.

A cool breeze wafted into the corridor and the group all shuddered, whether from the temperature or the fear it was unknown. Carlos gripped tighter onto Harry and tentatively stepped into the room. His eyes swept around and something began stirring inside of him. His head felt light and fuzzy but he focused on moving one foot in front of the other.

He knew he would find answers here.

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