Chapter 1

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Justin walked through the cluster of people and allowed himself a breather when he thought he was alone. Alone as I can be, he thought.

"Arcana meetings can make someone a claustrophobic. But don't worry. After awhile everyone has their own reserved places and you usually know how to miss,..." The girl with the purple streaks in her hair turned her gaze to the crowd of people. "That."

Justin meet the girl's blue eyes but quickly tore his gaze away. "I was actually wondering about how these little meetings ran. I mean, if I'm gonna be transferred I might as well know what's going on." He looked back at the stranger, asking himself why she even bothered talking to him.

The girl threw her head back slightly, the realisation just hitting. "Oh, you're that Pseudo guy."

Justin bit his lip in annoyance. "Of course. The only reason why someone would talk to me is because they don't know who I am."

The girl let out a small laugh. She was on the receiving end of a glare. "What?"

She looked up at Justin. "It's only natural that people are intrigued by your predicament. And when they don't know, you blow your only chance of meeting someone new."

Justin's face softened. "I'm sorry. It's just- everyone here treats me like I'm some new exhibit at a zoo."

The girl looked back at the crowd, slowly disappearing. "What's your name? Unless you're happy with 'Pseudo guy'."

A smile crept onto Justin's face, realizing that that seemed to be his name here. "Justin. Yours?"

"Cassandra." She smiled. Justin only just took notice that the girl was slightly shorter than him. His eyes fell to her round face, which were framed by her white hair. He especially liked the tips. The purple only surviving on some strands that fell to her shoulders.

Just as Justin was about to speak, her name was called out by a woman, not too far away from them. "I'm assuming thats your ticket out of this conversation." But Cassandra didn't seem to be paying attention to him. She was lost in thought.

"One day... you'll learn the truth."

Justin eyes followed her to the woman, leaving himself bewildered.

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