I Can't Do This Anymore...(G!P)

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"I thought you and Jennie were back together."

"We're just friends, Rosie."

"But you still love her?"

"Look she cheated on me, and I'm tired of her playing games with me. Now do you want me or not?"

"But we're in school, Lisa."

"Don't worry babygirl, we'll be fine."

Lisa picked Rosé up, which caused her to wrap her legs around Lisa's waist. And walked them to the lockers that lined the inside of the locker room. Their lips smacked together as Rosé's hands fumbled trying to pull Lisa's shirt off.


Lisa broke apart from Rosé to see her ex girlfriend.

"Wow Lisa, you couldn't go a whole school day without trying to fuck someone."

Jennie stormed out of the locker room with Lisa chasing after her.

"Sorry Rosie."

"Jennie, let me explain."

They had ended up in the pool room, near the bleachers.

"Seriously Jennie stop!"

Lisa grip Jennie's wrist and pulled her so she would stop,

"What do you want Lisa?"

"I want you to tell me how you feel, I want you to tell me you love me, I want you to stop playing games with me."

"And how am I playing games with you Lisa? You're the one going around fucking other girls."

"Jennie you broke up with me again. You cheated on me Jennie with him and you've been stringing me along ever since. Do you know how hard it was for me to find out you cheated on me with my best friend since the first grade."

"How many times do I have to say sorry!?"

"Until you mean it...

I can't do this anymore...

When you finally come to the terms that you're in love with someone like me, come talk to me."


Lisa was already gone by the time Jennie opened her mouth.



About a year ago, a popular boy a school threw a huge house party that Jennie and Lisa had planned on going to the party together. Lisa told Jennie that she would me meet her after work, and to go on without her. When Lisa got out of work she texted Jennie that she was going home to get changed and she'd call her when she got to the party.

Lisa called Jennie twice and Jennie didn't answer, which was extremely weird. In the two years Lisa and Jennie have been dating, Jennie never missed a call from Lisa. Lisa walked up to the house and saw a friend of hers sitting on the porch with a cup in his hand and his girlfriend sitting on his lap.

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