Take a sad song (And make it better)

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Helen kept testing his blood, scanning for changes, and trying to find what had happened.

Peter couldn't even sit up by himself, unsurprisingly.

His eyes were droopy and listless, when he was awake, which was less often than Tony would have liked, although resting was the best way of getting him stronger again.

Pepper stopped in daily, happy to see her surrogate son mostly out of danger.

Tony barely left his side.

The event had left both him and Peter in a tenuous state of clinginess that didn't seem to abate over the passing hours.

So he stayed in the room, either sitting beside Peter on the bed, or occupying the armchair beside it.

They made sure to call Ned, and reassure him that Peter was mostly in the clear.

"I still can't figure it out," Helen said softly, even though Peter was still sleeping. "I am at a loss. This is not anything I've seen before."

"Is there anyone who has? Anyone we can call, something we can do?"

"I don't know. I don't know, Mr Stark. All we can do is what we're doing now. And hope for the best."

"That's not good enough, Helen. This is my son."

"Then I don't know what to tell you. There is nothing I can do."

When Ned came to visit, he took one glance at Peter, laying propped up on pillows, and broke down.

Tony left the room to give them privacy, and when he returned, Ned was sitting beside the bed, and talking quietly.

He was still crying, Tony noticed. Silently, but tears trailed down Ned's face, even though he kept swiping them away with the back of his hand.

"I saved the Lego set to do with you. I didn't bring it today, but I can next time," Ned was saying, his voice choked up. "It's really cool. I think you'll like it."

"Why don't you bring it tomorrow?" Tony smiled softly at the two. "We could have a movie night here."

Peter's eyes widened, and he nodded weakly. "Can we... watch something... with superheroes?"

"Yeah," Ned echoed shakily. "That sounds cool."

"You better get home, Ned. Your parents will have my hide if you're not back by dark."

Ned rose slowly, glancing back at his best friend. "I'm really glad you're okay," he said quietly, before hurrying from the room.

Peter watched him go with a pensive expression. "It was... bad... wasn't it?"

His dad ran a gentle hand through his hair. "For a bit, yeah. But you're okay now, kiddo. I promise."


The call came from the bathroom, startling Tony out of his reverie.


His son sounded panicked, and he threw himself out of the chair, hurrying to stand outside the door. "Peter? What's wrong?"

"Dad, something- I don't- something's happening-"

The door swung inward, and Tony stopped short, staring at the scene in front of his eyes.

The marble sink was cracked, one long, deep line running through the counter, following two handprints.

In. The. Marble.

"Dad... I fell, and I grabbed the sink, and it broke, and- " Peter hugged himself, eyes shining with fear. "What's happening to me?"

"Come here." He said it softly, trying not to scare his son any more. "Come here, Pete."

Peter edged toward him, staring at the broken sink like it was going to come alive. " I didn't mean to," he covered his mouth with both hands, stifling a sob. "I didn't mean to do it-"

"I know." He wrapped his arms around his son. "Come on. I'm gonna call Helen, okay? You're fine, alright? Just fine, kiddo."

He had no idea how he was staying outwardly calm when inside he was screaming.

How could this happen?

Alrighty guys.

You know the drill, if you liked- hopefully loved this, leave a comment and vote!

See you guys next time!

Lots of love

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