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【chapter one】


THE ROOM IS FILLED WITH TOXIC AIR, almost suffocating your lungs. You glance over at the man then reach up to feel your face. You scoff and roll your eyes, feeling the sticky substance resting on your cheeks. Looking towards the man, "You had to cum on my face?"

Receiving a scoff in return, "Hush." You roll your eyes, again. Sitting up, you ask the man, "Can you at least get me a wet towel, Damien?"

Looking your way he puffs out the smoke and turns back to his phone, you mutter "fucking dick", and head into the hotel room's bathroom for a wet towel.

Setting your hands on the sink, you look up at your reflection in the mirror. Staring at your cum stained cheeks, your chaotic hair, and red and purple marks littered about on your body.

Snapping out of your thoughts, you hurry and turn the faucet on. Putting the towel under the warm water, then gently wiping off your face and sweat.

Rinsing off the remains on the towel you set it down on the counter and grab a robe-- since you are naked. "Eyo, Ima' head out now Jasmine," Damien shouts out at you. Not even a second later, before you could respond, you hear the room door slam shut.

Leaving the bathroom you decide not to stick around any longer and get dressed.

Why is it still him I'm fucking. You thought in your head. You guess you can't complain. Shit, I'm not gonna' complain though. It's not like he doesn't know what he is doing.

Leaving yourself to your thoughts, you quickly put on the extra clothes that you brought. Your bag consists of a blue bedazzled taser, women's deodorant, two pairs of panties, a plain white t-shirt, and some leggings.

Getting yourself dressed, you never thought you would keep on fucking Damien. You were only messing around with him since you both were heartbroken and wanted some physical affection. But now, it's been three years since that day, and you still can't leave him alone.

Damien has always been there for you, but since his grandma died in the middle of last year, he lost all sense of his mental control. His grandma was the one who listened to him, and you. She was a very wise old lady, she wasn't very conservative and stuck in the 1950s like most older folks are.

You could always depend on her, and so could Damien. She kept him grounded, she gave him manners. She taught him how to treat a woman, how to respect a woman and to always do everything for the one you love the most.

But, once she died. Damien decided to become a player, he never gave respect to a woman ever again that night his grandma died. He started to become a bitch towards you, but you couldn't help but blame him for his ways.

It's not his fault he is the way he is. He sometimes puts his walls down when he needs someone to talk to. Or when he visits her funeral, you're the first one he calls to join him.

Grabbing your stuff, you head out to go check-out of the Love Hotel. You've always wondered what it would be like to be with a partner in this Love Hotel, ever since a little girl you've always had that fairy tale image in your mind. But, certain events caused your mind to crush all happy thoughts.

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