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【chapter four】


OPENING THE FRONT DOOR, you announce your presence and head straight to your room to take a shower.

Three days have passed since you were at Treyvon's house. Three days since your mini panic attack.

Ever since that day you've been having hookups 24/7, and putting on a fake smile with your two best friends. Even though they can read you like a book.

Suddenly, the thought of letting the hot water fall on your body sounds relaxing. Dropping your stuff by your bed, you rush to strip off your clothes.

After your hot, relaxing shower, you start to rub lotion all over your body. Because being ashy is not it.

Going to pup our some more lotion you hear your phone's ring tone. Reaching over with the opposite hand, you don't look at the caller ID and answer.

"Hello?" You say while pressing your phone to your ear, using your shoulder to hold it up while you finish putting lotion on your legs.

"Hey, Jas..." You pause, picking your phone up from off your shoulder.

Lighting sighing at the man's voice, you soon respond only a second later, "What do you need Damien?"

A short silence fell over the pair on the phone, "Are you doing anything right now..?"

Letting out a heavy sigh, "I'm kinda not in the mood to fuck right now Damien." Rolling your eyes thinking that all Damien wanted was a nice, quick fuck.

"What? Is that what you think I only call you for?" He says, disbelief laced in his voice.

Hearing his responses you roll your eyes again hearing his bullshit. Scoffing you decide not to start an argument tonight. But what he said will stick with you since he really has the audacity to ask that question knowing the only reason he keeps in contact with you is to keep his dick nice and warm. "What do you need Damien? I want to go to sleep." You say instead.

"Uh..so I've been feeling like shit and was wondering if you could come with me to grave?" He says, but hearing nothing but silence he says something else, "You know what I've been through, can you just come with me and be there for me? I'm not asking for a lot."

Putting your lotion away you fall backward on your bed, "Damien, I don't know-"

You try to say but gets cut off by Damien's words, "Bruh, please. You're really gonna sit there and deny me comfort knowing what I've been through? My grandma died Jasmine. She would be disappointed in you right now."

"Why would you-" Before you could even say of a response, the line goes dead. The fuck? You think as you stare at your black screened phone in disbelief. Wow, I guess he doesn't actually need me then.

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