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⚠️ warning: suicide mention, depressing thoughts/feelings. ⚠️


【chapter three】


BRIGHT YELLOW LIGHTS SHINE DOWN ON YOU, straining your eyesight. Shutting your eyes to relieve them from the torching beams. You come to your senses, realizing where you are.

Remembering that you got hit by a football on the field, you groan finally feeling the agonizing ache coming from your head. The silence in the room is confusing you, so you open your eyes slowly to see you're in the Nurse's office.

Groaning, you try to get up. Shifting your feet to the floor, you try to stand up but stood up way too fast for your liking. Causing you to become hazy.

Resting your hand on your forehead, you sit back down on the nurse bed. After a while, you suddenly feel your eyes grow heavy, falling into a silent slumber.

"Yes ma'am, I'm heading to do that now." You hear a voice say, somewhat still asleep. After what sounds like a male voice, humming tunes are heard throughout the boxed out room.

Hearing the soft melody, your eyes flutter open in curiosity. Adjusting to the brightness again, you're attention is drawn to the same melody but instead, you hear actual words being sung throughout the room.

In shock, you slowly sit up—the pain in your head slowly subsiding.

"Damnnnnn, you can sing." You finally speak.

The said man instantly turns around at the sound of your voice, as soon as your eyes meet the school nurse, Mrs.Peppa, comes striding in the room.

Mrs.Peppa's eyes come off the clipboard to meet yours while giving you a sweet little smile. Then turning to the singing boy and giving him a confused look. Since the said male is currently still in a state of shock.

"Oh, hey Gab-" The nurse tries to say before the tall male quickly leaves the box-shaped room in a hurry.

Shaking her head Mrs. Peppa stalks over to you, "Well then, how are you feeling dear?"

She says grabbing her nurse's chair and swiveling towards the bed rest you're currently sitting upon.

Your thoughts were still distracted by how the person who was in this room acted, you took a few minutes to process her question.

"U-uh. I'm doing alright, my head doesn't really hurt anymore.."

Somehow the smile on Mrs.Peppa's face grows wider at your response, "Good! You received a pretty big hit. Didn't know if you would have a mild or serve concussion." After she says that she gets up and heads over to the fridge.

Hearing her close the fridge, she makes her way to her storage closet and continues to talk, "If you feel a headache coming again just come back to me and I'll get your guardian's permission to let you have some pain relief pills."

"Oh..yea okay I'll try to remember that." You say swinging your feet over to place your legs on the floor.

"Okay, here is a bottle of cold water and some crackers. Remember what I said and I'll write you an excused tardy note since you've been in here since- " She pauses to look at her watch, "1:24, and it's currently 3:08."

Your eyes widen a little bit knowing you've missed three classes. But you relax since you would've rather been sleeping then in your boring classes.

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