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Author's note: For the purpose of Angst, there will be some trigger warnings. This includes Abuse Mentions, Homophobia, and actual abuse. At the end of the story, I'll give you a run down. Thank you.

Astro: How longs it been?
Blasty: Since?
Astro: Since we started talking, feels like forever
Blasty: It's only been 3 weeks dumbass
Astro: Really?! Wow, our one month aversary is coming up!
Blasty: Whatever.
Astro: Call me, and we can plan something
Blasty: Fine

Blasty has started a call

"Heyo!" You said happily.
"What's got you all happy?" Bakugo's voice sounded... whispered. It was weird.
"Hey, why are you whispering?"
No response, but you can hear his breathing.
"My parents are asleep."
"Well that makes sense, they must be old since it's 7:00pm." You laughed.
"Yeah they-"
Someone burst into Bakugo's room.
It wasn't the yelling that terrified you, it was the tone in her voice. It sounded so full of hate and anger. You've never heard anything so horrible. What made it even worse is that Bakugo was getting hit. You just watched and didn't say a word as his mom left the room. Bakugo's normally all tough in your eyes, but when you saw him cry, it tore you apart.
"W-Why didn't you tell anyone?" You asked whispering.
"B-B-Because I-I just-"
"Fuck it. I'm going over there."
"Y/N no-"
"Y/N yes. Or meet me somewhere please. I don't want this for you."
"F-Fine. That one gas station b-by the cat cafe."
"Okay. I'll see you there."
You hung up and sighed. This isn't what you were expecting at all. Bakugo has told you about his mom, Melinda.
(No not Mitsuki, I'll get to her later)
She was a very strong woman and has been drinking ever since his dad passed. He swore you to secrecy, but it's not like you would tell anyone. When you walked down stairs, Aizawa could see the look of panic and concern on your face.
"Y/N, what happened?"
"I can't explain. I'm gonna send you an address in an hour or so, and get pros waiting there."
"I need an explanation."
"It's Bakugo's mom. She's...insane."
You put on your shoes and looked at your dad before heading out.
"I'm helping him, and I don't care if you don't want me involved. He's my friend and I care about him."
Aizawa just sighed and nodded as you walked out of the door.
You ran as fast as you could to the specific gas station Bakugo told you about. Once you arrived, you practically ran inside.
"Hey. What'd ya need?"
You read his name tag. Dabi?
"Well Dabi, has a spiky ash blonde come in here yet?"
"No, but-"
The bell on the door rang. A miserable Bakugo stood there with his hands in his pockets.
"Bakugo, it's okay."
You said as you hugged him. He didn't push you away this time. In fact, he sunk into your arms and cried a little bit.
"Hey. I'll give you guys $20 to buy some shit okay? I hate this shitty job anyways."
"Same here."
A man walked out of the staff room. His name tag said "Shigaraki" on it. You thanked Dabi and picked you and Bakugo some snacks and a drink. You two sat in the break room which had a nice sofa. You grabbed a rolly chair so Bakugo could lay down.
"Why are you even here?" He asked.
"Because I care about you, and I don't want you suffering through all that shit."
Bakugo turned around to face you.
"What's your address?" You sighed.
"4201 Saku A-Avenue. Why?"
You typed in the address and sent it to Aizawa. He responded with "Got it". You patted Bakugo's head, but he didn't even mind.
"Hey, just know it's gonna be okay." Tears streamed down both of your cheeks as you hugged him.
Bakugo sobbed into your shoulder as you just let it happen. When it came to his mom, he was vulnerable. Defenseless. He was scared of her and you knew that.
"Why does she hit you?" You asked seperating from him.
"Don't tell those extras."
"I wouldn't do that."
Damn, what happened to Bakugo to make him ask promise? Either way, you held his hand and softly smiled.
"I promise."
He sighed.
"I'm...I like everyone. Pan or whatever. Right?"
"Oh. Pansexual?" You corrected.
"Yeah and that bitch has been taking her anger out on me. For liking guys and for my dads death and it's just so much. I act all tough at school but it hurts so much. I feel like I can't escape or get a break from it and it tears me up inside."
The words Bakugo used to describe the abuse, verbally and physically, made you upset and angry, and who wouldn't be. Bakugo wiped his tears and sat back down. After a few minutes of silence, you heard someone come in the break room.
"Hey kids, there's a man waiting for you. Eraserhead actually."
"Oh okay. Thanks Shigaraki. Tell Dabi I said thanks too." You said.
"Anytime kids."
You and Bakugo walked out and your dad approached you.
"Melinda is under arrest for abuse and driving under influence. And... drugs"
You rubbed Bakugo's back as he cried a bit and sighed in relief.
"Unfortunately you have two choices. A foster home, or orphanage."
"Damn Foster home. Fuck orphanages."
"Alright. I will make some calls. Y/N, he can come over for the night. You know the rules."
You and Bakugo walked to your house.
You looked up at him.
"Thanks I guess."
"Oh. It's no problem. I knew you really needed someone."
"You could've stayed silent."
"No. I really care a lot, and it killed me to see that. I'm sorry I couldn't help sooner."
You looked to the ground as you got to the door.
"Don't be."
You unlocked the door and headed up to your room.
"Oh, floor or couch?" You asked.
"What about the bed dumbass?"
Your face flushed red.
"I-I guess." You sighed in defeat.
You both climbed into your bed, but you scooted to the edge to give Bakugo space.
"Come closer dumbass."
He pulled you closer and you just laid there. The warm scent of Caramel filling your nose with a sense of joy.
"You smell good." You mumbled.
"You do too."
You blushed a bit as Bakugo put his arms around you. This wasn't planned at all.
"Goodnight." You said smiling.
"Tch. Goodnight or whatever." Even that was enough to make you happy. Then you realized it. It wasn't a friendship you wanted. It was a relationship.

Authors note: I think this was pretty okay. Also, I might do text only from time to time, but it's still a chatfic.
Here's the rundown:
Bakugo was getting hit by his mom when him and you were on video call. You met up and had Aizawa arrest his mom, Melinda. No it's not Mitsuki. You both went home and cuddled together. Also slept together. Not that type of slept together you dirty minded freaks. Anyways, I will go back to texting and add angst to other characters too. Thanks for reading and ily 💜

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