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Astro: Hey guys, I'm not coming to school today.
Izuwu: Really? Why?
Astro: I can't say, but Aizawa knows
Icyhot: We will be expecting you tommorow then.
Astro: Also, Sorry Kirishima
Redriot: Nah it's cool! But are you okay?
Astro: Yeah.
Redriot: Also, Bakugo wont answer my texts
Izuwu: Kacchan didn't answer mine either.
Astro: Take my advice and give him space for a bit. Like I said, I can't say but he's fine
Izuwu: Okay, we understand
Redriot: Take Care Y/N!
Icyhot: Be Safe and healthy
Astro: I will, don't worry.

You sighed and put your phone down on the nightstand. Bakugo was still asleep, so you walked downstairs by yourself. Aizawa had already left and it was just Mic. But he was out so that left you and Bakugo alone.
(Get your mind out of the gutter)
When you went to the kitchen table, there was a note left by Mic.
Hey Kiddo!
I had to go to UA for work so it's just you and Bakugo. Ooh, that's nice. Don't do anything I wouldn't do~
You could even hear his yell and you laughed. But then you looked at that part.
"Mic, I'm not that dumb." You thought out loud.
You went into the kitchen and just kinda sat on the counter. Then, the beast awoke. You could hear Bakugo's grumbling as he trudged over to the kitchen.
"Oi Y/N, why did you leave?"
"Sorta woke up before you."
He let out a Tch and started to pour himself some coffee left by Aizawa. It was on standby so it would be kinda warm.
"Do you want to do something today?" You asked.
You thought about possible ways of making Bakugo happy again. Maybe going to a movie, shopping, or something else.
"I don't know."
"Ok, then I'll just make breakfast." You hopped down from the counter.
As you grabbed all the materials, Bakugo came up to you.
"Do you know what your doing?" He scoffed.
"Actually I do, I'm not dumb."
You put all the things on the counter and started making (f/b favorite breakfast). As you did all of this, Bakugo just observed you. Mostly how content you were by making something simple as breakfast. Once you finished, you put the things on the dining table and Bakugo sat down with you.
"Not bad." You noticed he was eating a bit fast.
"I know it's good, but slow down." You smiled.
Bakugo got a bit emberassed that you noticed so he kinda just looked to the side.
"Aizawa said you are getting new parents tommorow." You said trying to lighten up the mood.
It was a kind of dull atmosphere.
"That quick?" Bakugo asked in disbelief.
Once you two were done, you decided to sit down on the couch. While opening your living room windows a bit, you saw it was raining and gray outside. You looked over to Bakugo who was just sitting at the couch looking at his hands.
"Hey, we can go play in the rain." You smiled.
He didn't smile back so you slowly frowned.
"What's the point?"
"Its fun. I might go get soaked and you can stay all dry and boring." You said scoffing.
Bakugo looked up at you with no expression.
"In shorts and a t shirt?"
"Why the fuck not?" You laughed.
"Your not." He said sternly.
"Watch me."
You ran outside and out into the pouring rain. It was nice to feel all of it drop onto your skin. Of course it was cold, but it felt amazing. This is the most peace you've felt since last week. With exams and everything. As you were splashing in puddles and laughing, you saw Bakugo in the doorway. He was just watching. You walked over and put your hand out for him to grab. And he hesitated, but surprisingly took it. You both ran out and started jumping in puddles, laughing, and holding hands. You really felt like best friends. When you two got tired, you laid in the empty driveway as the rain calmed down.
You looked over to Bakugo.
"Thanks I guess..."
"Hey, it's really fun, don't worry." You smiled.
He still looked upset.
"I'm ruining this with my mood, so just leave." He said with anger in his voice.
"I'm not leaving dumbass." You scoffed.
"STOP!" Bakugo fired an explosion at the pavement, making his knuckles bleed.
The thought of him not wanting you there made you feel cold. And not because of the rain. A cold feeling.
He looked at you and you looked back at him with 100% certainty in your voice.
"I'm actually staying here and I'm not leaving your side, ever."
Bakugo looked very upset and tired. You assumed he was tired of all of his mom's bullshit. It's hard to just let it go.
"Let's go inside. I'll patch up your hand."
You both walked inside, getting water on the hard wood floors. Bakugo sat on the toilet seat and you sat on the bath tub edge. You grabbed bandages and cleaning materials and got started.
"Don't use explosion in this hand, you might hurt yourself."
Bakugo just scoffed and took his hand away.
"I can do it myself, and don't tell me what to do extra."
"No you can't do it. Your unstable right now." The last bit wasn't supposed to come out.
He stood up.
Bakugo stopped what he was doing and looked at you with a confused but angry expression.
"Just sit down." You sighed and he just sat down and gave you back his hand.
"I didn't mean it like that, I meant you shouldn't be left alone right now."
"Yeah yeah."
"At least pretend to understand my fucking apology."
He seemed to be a little bit upset at your statement. But your gonna have to yell at him sometimes. That's just how it is with Bakugo. Once you patched him up, you two headed back to your room. School was almost over which meant Aizawa and Mic would be coming home with dinner soon. Probably some sushi or soba.
"Did you mean what you said?" Bakugo asked looking at your wall.
"What?" You stared back up at the ceiling.
"That you are always gonna be here."
"Yeah, I did mean it."
It's really upsetting if someone asks if you promise. That means that person has been backstabbed so many times that they can't even tell if your lying or not. It could be something else, but that's the case most times. You sat up and held Bakugo's hand again. He didn't mind and looked you in your (e/c) colored orbs.
"I promise."

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