15. I'm So Glad You're Back

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The playing fleid was filled with laughter and loud chatting, but it all stopped once they had heard footsteps coming from the staircase.

Ten saw Yuta and Winwin tense up and a worried look plastered on Jisung's face.

The once dark clothed king now blonde and dressed in white.

Kun had stopped his conversation with Ten and Johnny and ran towards his husband. Engulfing him in a hug.

This shocked the younger but notherless hugged him back.

"I missed you." Kun had cried into Yangyang's shoulder.

Yangyang following.

"I'm sorry." Yangyang started crying.

Kun pulled away from the hug and wiped the youngers face.

"Don't be." Kun smiled. He grabbed his husbands arm and pulled him towards Ten.

Ten smiled and slightly bowed at the young king.

"Thank you." Yangyang pulled Ten into a hug.

They pulled away and Yangyang handed Ten a small bottle. The shorter gave the king a confused look, but still took the bottle.

"So you can go home." Yangyang said in a soft voice. "You just have to drink it."


The word sounded bitter to Ten. He didn't even know what home was anymore.

Ten nodded and was about to drink but was stopped.

"Wait!" Ten looked behind him to see Johnny leading a crowd of people behind him.

"We need to say our goodbyes!" Johnny exclaimed. Ten chuckled and pulled Johnny into a hug.

Ten looks behind to see five people walking towards him.

"Sorry we weren't there for the fight." A tall tan male says with a chuckle.

"You're late Lucas!" Kun playfully said, lightly punching the tallers shoulder.

Ten looks at them with fondness in his eyes.

He calls them all for a group hug and bids his goodbyes.

Ten clings to Johnny for awhile longer, whispering a "I'll miss you the most." to the taller.

Johnny hands Ten a small necklace with a hat pendent.

"So you know it wasn't a dream." Ten chuckles and puts it on

Ten smiles at them and drinks the potion. Taking one last glance at the group of boys he had started to call home.

And then he was out.


Ten woke up in his bedroom.

He quickly checks his neck and there it was, the hat necklace.

Ten smiles to himself and goes back to sleep.

And that's a wrap! This is the end! Thank you to y'all for taking the time to even give this a read :)

-----------And that's a wrap! This is the end! Thank you to y'all for taking the time to even give this a read :)

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Savior Of Wonderland  - A JohnTen storyWhere stories live. Discover now