Chapter 1.- What Type of bender would you be?

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°Fire signs°
Aries♈-  Firebender
Sagittarius ♐- Waterbender
Leo♌- Earthbender

°Water signs°
Scorpio♏- Firebender
Cancer♋- Waterbender
Pisces ♓- Waterbender

°Earth signs°
Taurus♉- Earthbender
Capricorn♑- Waterbender
Virgo♍- Airbender

°Air signs°
Libra♎- Earthbender
Aquarius♒- Airbender
Gemini♊- Airbender

//ok so the reason i didn't put like each three signs under their element as that kind of element bender is bc that each sign has different personalities and traits and so do yall that make you well you and plus its a cliche thing tbh.//

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