Chapter 5

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It had been several days since the faeries of Argentumalea had rescued him from near death. His recovery was going well and he was becoming increasingly stronger each day, yet he was still unable to recall what had happened prior to his rescue, or anything else for that matter. He didn't even know his own name. 

The only memory etched in his mind was of the decomposing corpse which lay in the ditch where he had been found. 

Had he been dumped? Presumed dead? 

Keen to discover what had happened, he asked Zalea (she had thought his continued failed attempts at pronouncing her name quite amusing, but in the end had suggested he settle on calling her Zalea instead) to try and help him reconnect with his missing memories. 

"I'm afraid I cannot help you with this matter, my dear, but I do know of someone who should be able to," she had answered, "but only when you are strong enough to walk." 

That time had arrived. He was now able to support his own body weight, thanks to the help of the faeries and the nourishing food and drink they had continued to ply him with. He was truly thankful, but he was now ready to get back to investigating who he was and where he had come from. 

Making sure he was warm enough, Zalea and her close friend, Ameleana, stood at his side helping him into a long white robe which they tied snuggly around his thin frame. 

"You are still a little weak and the cold air will only make you weaker unless you stay warm," smiled Ameleana. She was a tall, dark blue-haired faery with intense, yet cheeky, light blue eyes that matched the little wings that continuously fluttered behind her. 

"Thank you, but I do feel stronger. I think I can manage." 

"Very well," she answered, taking a little step backwards and watching as he leaned on a post temporarily, "Just a little dizzy. I haven't been on my feet for quite a while. Don't worry, I'm fine," he added as he adjusted the weight on his feet. 

Noticing the looks on the two faeries faces, he smirked, "honestly, I'm okay. I just needed to get my balance, that's all."  

"As long as you're sure?" 

After nodding, Zalea led them out of the simple room in which he had spent the last few days. They followed closely behind, walking away from their homes and deeper into the silver forests of Moharth. 

After just ten minutes of slow ambling, he stopped for a moment, leaning on the nearest tree as the two faeries turned and smiled at him. 

"Yes, you should rest for a moment. Do not worry though, we have almost reached our destination," said Zalea, pointing to an unusual silvery blue willow in the distance. "We are nearly there." 

Keen to get there, the man without a name gently pushed himself away from the soft silver fern covered tree and smiled at his companions with a nod before they continued on their way. 

Although the view of the sky was mostly blocked out by the huge array of trees in wildly different shades of silver and grey, it wasn't dark. The colours around them offered an almost consistent source of light, as if the trees were covered in a million beautiful faery lights. The effect was nothing less than dazzling. 

As they approached the weeping willow, a small figure slowly stepped out from beneath it. 

Dressed from head to toe in black and leaning on a crooked old stick, she stood waiting for their approach. 

"Sheharazalea and Ameleana... what a welcome surprise. And you bring a guest, how lovely, how lovely. How is your father, my dear?"  

Zalea approached the old lady and gently hugged her before offering her prettiest smile, "He is very well... very well." 

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