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AFTER MEETING MAEVE'S GAZE, Rudy turned around and starting banging on the door

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AFTER MEETING MAEVE'S GAZE, Rudy turned around and starting banging on the door. "Cline open this door"

"Not until you hear your sunshine out" Madelyn yelled from the other side

Your sunshine. Rudy stopped banging and just rested his head on the door, knowing he should just give up, there was no way out. "Rudy please just hear me out" Maeve pleaded

Rudy didn't know why he felt so betrayed and jealous. Was it maybe the fact that he may or may not have a slight crush on her? Maybe that she led him on? Giving up, Rudy turned around to face Maeve, who had slightly watery eyes.

"Ok" was all he could say

Maeve sighed and began to explain. She only hoped that he would understand and hopefully forgive her. Maeve hated to have anyone mad at her, if she would do something she knew wasn't right she'd apologize right away. Even if it wasn't her fault she would still apologize. I guess you could say she kinda relates to Rosie, in a sense of always putting her best friends before herself.

"Jaden and I have been dating for a year. At first he was the kindest and sweetest guy I ever met. It wasn't until we reached our 10 month mark that he started changing and being more controlling. We were at a party one day and he went into this girls kitchen and when he came back he had a few hickeys on his neck, I confronted him about it and he said I was delusional; that I was too drunk to remember, which I promise you I wasn't. According to him I was throwing a tantrum, so he grabbed my hand and dragged me all the way to his car and drove me home, after dropping me off  he went back to the party. He started being like that because all the fame he was getting from TikTok and his music career got to his head. He even got arrested for having drugs on him. When I found out I wanted to end things between us, but of course he said that I wasn't gonna leave him not when he was just about to release his third song. I told him I didn't care, so he showed me—

She couldn't finish her sentence, scared that he'd be disappointed in her.

Rudy took notice of the tears that manage to roll down her cheek. He walked closer to her, Maeve noticed and looked up to him. He placed his hands on her cheek and slowly wiped her tears. "You don't have to continue" he whispers

"But I want to. I need you to know" she took a long breath and continued

"Jaden showed me a couple of pictures he took of me in which I barely had any clothes. He threatened to release them to the internet, if I broke up with him. So until May 19th I'm stuck with him." Maeve said completely embarrassed as she looked down at her feet

When those words left her mouth, Rudy being angry was an understatement. He wanted nothing more to go find Jaden and ruin his pretty face.

Maeve slowly looked up to face Rudy. She could see his jaw clench and he was tense. Her hand went up to his cheek and she slowly made him face her.

"Rudy I promise you, I never meant to hurt you. I shouldn't have led you on like that. I'm such a shitty person and I'm so—

"Hey listen to me. You are not a shitty person Maeve." Rudy immediately cut her off

"Yes I am. You didn't deserve what I did to y—

"You don't deserve what that asshole is doing to you" He said cutting her off again

"Maybe I do. I never gave him what he wanted, I never wanted to have s—

He cut her off by grabbing her cheeks "Sunshine, listen to me. Nobody and I mean nobody deserves to be treated the way he's treating you. Nobody should have explicit pictures of them taken without their permission. And you should never feel pressured into doing something you don't want to. He's a complete asshole that doesn't deserve you, you deserve better" With that Rudy hugged the blonde and she immediately hugged back

"I'm sorry Rudy" Maeve muttered

Rudy kissed her temple "Don't be sorry. I could never stay mad at you"

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