Chapter One

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(MidnightAce88 helped come up with the title, helped with ideas, and made the cover. Thank you 😊
I don't know much about Brainstorm so he's going to be, like completely off)

Snow and Cyclonus were arguing because he left their sparkling alone so he could go to the bar. Bryer stood at the door, watching the two argue. She was a spinning image of the both of them. Had the hollowed out cheeks like her sire, but they weren't very big. Much smaller than his, and had the frame shape of her carrier. Their color pallets combined made hers, little horns, and she has two colored optics. "Ca-carrier?" Bryer hesitantly spoke out. It caught the attention of both sire and carrier. Cyclonus walked over to the small sparkling and picked her up, grabbing her little servo with his larger one. "How long were you standing there?" Snow asked softly. "I-I don't k-now." She whimpered. "But sire didn't leave me alone! Pharma and Crimson watched me!" Bryer chirped. "That's we're I got dis from!" "I told you Snow. I'm not gonna leave my little sparkling alone." Snow smiled at the small stuffed animal Bryer had in her servos and traced the stitching on it. "What's his name Bug?" "Crimson said his name is Packers! Had him since she was little and wants me to take care of him." The two parents laughed and Bryer giggled happily in Cyclonus' arm.

Present Day

"Wheeljack! C'mon! Let go of me!" Bryer yelled. Snow was dead with laughter. Cyclonus was as well, having to use Snow so he wouldn't fall off his chair again. (That would be a sight to see) Wheeljack had his face painted, and Bryer was the one who did it. Brainstorm, who was looking for the femme, walked in on the sight and smiled under his mask. "Bryer? I need your help!" He yelled over the laughter. Bryer kicked the mech off behind her and ran until she was in the safety of Brainstorms lab. "What did you do to Wheeljack Bryer?" "I painted on his face! Since he almost ripped Packers nearly in half!" The torn and used stuffed animal rested on the table nearby and she huffed. "Well, Crimson came by earlier today and asked about you. I didn't know where you were." "And he also put his digits in my little things on my cheeks. He's lucky I didn't bite him." Bryer growled out. Her blue and red optic narrowing from her anger. "What's got you so frustrated? Normally you're all smiles." "I just had a bad nightmare last night, that's all. Don't worry about me." She stated. Still rubbing the sleep out of her optics. "Why didn't you come to me then? You know I would've let you sleep with me." Bryer rolled her optics while patting his shoulder. "I tried to knock on your door. But you didn't answer. So I just didn't bother entering your room, for your personal space." Bryer only had certain favorites. Brainstorm, Chromedome and Rewind, Cyclonus and Snow, Magnus, Pharma and Crimson, Optimus and finally Swerve. "You can barge in it like you own it. I do it." "Well I don't! I only do it to my sire and carrier. Everyone else gets a knock." Brainstorm convinced her to sleep for a while longer. Being quiet and careful around her sleeping frame.

One Hour Later

"Dad?" Bryer woke up alone, which was normal but not in this case. "Mom? Uuh, HELLO?!" She yelled. Brainstorm peeked out from behind a table, which confused the femme. "Brainstorm? What in Primus' name are you doing?" He chuckled lightly at her confused expression and stood with broken shards of glass in his servo. "Holy Primus! What did you do? Let me see them." "I was trying not to wake you up, so I tripped over something and dropped this. I know how you are when you don't sleep. Want to bite my helm off sometimes." Bryer chuckled softly while taking the glass shards from Brainstorm. "And what have I told you about that? I'm a heavy sleeper that's for sure. I didn't even wake up." "I know what you've said. But you looked so peaceful so I wasn't going to wake you up. Thank you." Brainstorm claimed. Everytime the two left the lab together, some mechs stare. Even Rung. Whirl never hesitated to express his emotions to her, but she would just ignore him and continue on with the conversation she would be in or just continue sipping on her drink. He wouldn't mess with her when Brainstorm was around, however. The mech always snapped back at him with any comment he gave the femme. And anyone who tries to talk to Snow about how her frame looks, you might have to deal with a highly protective sparkmate, or her daughters wrath. Whichever you choose, you're still going to Medbay. So it's a death road. "Want to talk about your nightmare or?" "No. Last time we talked about one of them I had it again, but for a week." Bryer said. "I don't want to have it again. Might go run into my parents room like i'm two again." Brainstorm chuckled and Bryer yelled when someone picked her up. "PUT ME DOWN! Hey! Gun Tits fraggit! DAAD! I'M BEING HELD HOSTAGE!" Hostage was the signal that Whirl was bugging her. A blade pierced the side of his neck and Snows growl filled the empty hallway. "Get your filthy claws off my daughter. Or else." With those two words, the tip of the blade dig into his neck. "Okay okay! I thought she yelled for tall dark and moody. Didn't expect short stubborn and trigger happy to-" "Say another word about my carrier and i'll offline you myself. C'mon Brainstorm." Bryer shoved the mech away with a sigh before her and Brainstorm walked off. "Where are we going?" He questioned. "Wherever. Just need to stretch my stabilizers." Bryer fiddled with her digits the more the two walked around. But it all calmed down when she saw her sire and carrier.

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