Chapter 14: Growing up

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A/N: Oh my god this story just hit the 1k read in less than 10 days, i don't know what to say really, it just make me so happy. Thank you all and enjoy this chapter!

Base - Nero POV

I just arrived at the base where IF and Nepgear where, it was in an horrible state 

When i entered the base, some soldier or so came to stop me and ask who i am

Before i could answer, IF started to talk

IF: Seems like you survived against these 4 huh?

Nero: Yeah, but i was tired so i couldn't go at full power

IF: So you're saying that if you were in a better state, you would surely beat them?

Nero: Exactly

Soldier: General, do you know him?

IF: Yes, if it wasn't for him, i and the other girl would be dead

Soldier: So he is the one that fought equally against the 4 CPU?

IF: Exactly, now, how about we talk about the issues?

Nero: You're right, let's go

We walked into her "work room", i think?

Before i could talk, someone hugged me 

I looked down and see it was Nepgear

Nepgear: I thought you were dead!

Nero: I'm sorry Nepgear, i was sent into another dimension 

Nepegar: Do you promise me to not leave again?

Nero: I promise

She soon smiled and continue to hug me, as i hug back

IF: *cough*

Nepgear let go of me, blushing hard, and looking down

IF: Now that you two love bird are finished, we can talk about the problem of the CPU

Nero: Wait, i would like to know what is happening here, i just came into this dimension, so i'm a little lost

Nepgear: Me too

IF: I will explain to you everything

Gameindustry is ruled by 4 goddess, but they're not powered up by share energy, but with anti-energy

At first, they're weren't bad, they were kind and protected everyone

But, after some guy came here, the CPU became what they are

They became violent, sadistic and didn't care anymore about people

They enslaved 90% of the human, powering up the nation that they rule

The 4 CPU were called, the Chaos CPU

No one could rival their power, not even the gold third could hurt them

A resistance was created to fight them, but it's like nothing working

We lost so much people in this fight, we cannot have any one die again

But, we now have a plan, that could end this war

The Chaos CPU are powered up by the fear of people, if we manage to create a Hero, who can give everyone hope, then the CPU would be weakend and this will be our chance

But we didn't found that hero, since the gold third were known, but their defeat against the CPU was still here

It was like every hope we have dissapeared, little by little

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