Chapter 18: Everlasting Legend

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A/N: Yeah, i changed the form Nero will get for the banner of this chapter, after all this colour, it's magnificent isn't it?

2 weeks after the save by Nero - Nero POV

It's been 2 weeks since i helped the CPU against the clone of Akuma

Monster spawning have increased by 10 times since i came here

I had to take action more often, but still hidden from the hunter

The citizen are afraid and are losing hope on the CPU

The shares are decreasing fast and they need help

As i was still in the Ultima Forest, i could see the same boy, alone

Kid: It's going to be so fun to found that mysterious helper!

I think he is talking about me

As i was about to follow him, i could see a monster approching him, so i took action

I killed the monster in the shadow, and with no sound, so he won't doubt what is happening

It happened for a while before a Turtle ambush the kid

It happened for a while before a Turtle ambush the kid

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Kid: Waaah!

The kid fall on his butt, scared and couldn't move

The monster approched him, as the boy started to cry

Kid: Mom! Dad! Please! Save me!

If i don't save him....


Change POV to Kid

The monster was about to attack me, as i closed my eyes

After a few seconds, nothing happened

I got curious and opened them

And the coolest thing was in front of me

The hero was holding the monster with one hand, looking at me, with a smile

Hero: Hey kid, are you okay?


Hero: *Smile* Good, now let me take care of this

He looked at the monster, serious, launched it into the air and used one of his moves

Hero: Final shine ATTACK!

Hero: Final shine ATTACK!

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