Final Chapter: The One

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Nero POV

Neptune, Noire and Uzume finished their talk, and decided to share me, and like all harem fanfic, i had no word in it

The CPU told me the situation, and have to find Kurome to stop her to fuse the Hyperdimension and the Zerodimension

Adult Neptune woke up, and told me she was sorry for my arm

I told her it was okay and it was the fault of Kurome after all

Neptune: Let's go and search for Kurome!

Adult Neptune: Yeah!

Noire: And rush without plan? No thanks

Blanc: You never change Neptune

Vert: That's why her share is always so low

Uzume: Don't forget Nero can't fight at the state he is right now

Nero: Just because i lost an arm dosen't mean i can't beat your ass

Uzume: You want to bet on that?

Nero: Sure!

Noire: Calm down you two! It's not the time to fight right now!

Both: Sure....

Nero: We're doing it after this?

Uzume: Without doubt

We were walking to a copy of Planeptune, and enterred the tower

Nero: It looks like it's real....

Neptune: Yeah, and that's kinda creepy...

We enterred the elevator and goes to the CPU room

When we arrived, we could se a tome closed, on a table

Nero: What is that?

I touched it, and feel my share being taken by it

I take my arm away, confusing thr CPU

Noire: Nero? Why did you take your arm away?

Nero:That thing is absorbing share when you touch it

The tome started to shine, and finnaly opened

It revealed a small girl, that looks like Histoire, but with black hair

???: Where am i?

Nero: Hello?

She turned to me, and was surprised to see me?

???: My lord! I'm sorry for didn't see you before! Please forgive me!

She bow and i was confused

Nero: It's not a problem, but would you mind telling me who are you?

???: What?

Nero: I'm not the person you think i am, my name is Nero, and i'm the CPU candidate of Leanbox

???: Oh! My bad, my name is Destiny, and i'm the oracle of the one

Nero: Who is the one?

Destiny: He is the creator of everything in this world and every dimension. He was called Nero too

All: WHAT?!

Destiny: Yes, and now that i feel your energy, you have the same energy than him, and the same name

Nero: How?

Destiny: Maybe your a rebirth form of him

Nero: Damn, now my head hurt....

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