Chapter 15: The attack against the nation

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(Play the ost when i say it)

Base - Nero POV

After the speech that IF made, every soldier came to wish me luck and say thank you for helping them

I met the Gold third, they were very kind

I met the Gold third, they were very kind

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(B- Sha; C-sha; S-sha; K-sha)

They told me that they were friend with the CPU before they bacame what they are right now

As we prepared for the assault against the nation, Nepgear come to talk to me

Nepgear: You know, Vert missed you so much, and was destroyed after you vanished into that portal

Nero: Yeah.... i wish i could see her right now, so she can be happy again

Nepgear: Well, when everything will be over, we will need your help to fight someone

Nero: Who?

Nepegar: The ennemy is Affimojas, he is the reason why i'm here in this dimension

Nero: Well, i will help you, but i will not reveal myslef when we enter the hyperdimension

Nepgear: But why?!

Nero: Because i'm not ready

Nepgear: Ready for what?

Nero: I didn't told you that's right....

Nepgear: What are you talking abou-

Nero: I almost die a month ago

Nepgear: How?!

Nero: I fought some one so strong, i couldn't hit him the first time

But after i trained, i managed to beat him

Nepgear: So why do you say you're not ready?

Nero: Because he was holding back, since the beggining

If i want to beat him, then i will need to grow stronger

I can transform whenever i want now, but i don't need share energy, that's the strange thing 

Nepgear: What do you mean?

Nero: If i wanted to transform, i would have needed a share crystal, but i didn't need one to transform

Nepgear: Now that you said it, i can't transform but you can

Nero: And that's why i would need you to stay behind when the next fight come

Nepgear: But-!

Nero: Nepgear, it's not about helping or not, it's to protect the future so everyone can be happy again

Nepgear: But..... i don't want to lose you....

Nero: You won't Nepgear, trust me

After all...

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