Chapter Five ~ Blood Stained Suits

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Blood Stains Suits

"Damn it, I ruined another suit," Edward growled, looking down at the blood splatters and pieces of brain matter staining his jacket and pants.

"How many does this make?" Jasper asked, holstering his gun, giving his brother a smirk.

"Nine, ten. Shit, I don't know," Edward answered, glancing down at the body. He had hoped that he had found the person that had shot his father, but this asshole was too stupid and obviously didn't have the skills that the shooter needed to shoot two guards in a precise kill shot.

For the last five months, he and his brothers had helped their father to get adjusted to the fact that he was in a wheelchair and to search for the person who had put the hit out. When Carlisle woke up in the ICU, he was surrounded by his family as Garrett explained the damage to his spine.

"Carlisle, the bullet nicked the Thoracic Nerve T-12 close to the Lumbar Nerve L-1," Garrett explained. "Currently you have no nerve stimulation to your lower extremities."

Carlisle couldn't believe what he was hearing. How could this have happened? "Will I walk again?"

"I don't think there is a possibility," Garrett advised his heart heavy with telling the leader of the family this news.

"Sweetheart, we are going to get through this together. You are alive and strong," Esme said, taking his hand and bringing it up to her mouth to kiss.

Carlisle smiled at Esme, the love of his life. "Oh my, love, I am not ready to leave you yet."

Edward placed his hand on his father's shoulder. "Dad, we are going to find out who did this and make the fucker pay."

"Edward, I know you and your brothers will do everything within your power," Carlisle confirmed. "But, I want all of you to know that I am not giving up, however, I can not effectively run the family from this bed or while I am fighting to get back the use of my legs. This was going to happen in a few years anyway, it seems as though the timetable has just moved my decision into the present.." Sliding the ring from his right-hand ring finger, he held it up. "Mar cheannaire ar theaghlach Cullen, cloisim tríd an gceannaireacht a chur ar aghaidh chuig m'fhuil, mo chéad rugadh, Edward Liam." (As the leader of the Cullen family, I hereby pass the leadership to my blood, my first born, Edward Liam.) He then placed the ring on Edward's right-hand ring finger.

Emmett stepped forward, handing his father his knife. He had never seen this part of the ritual, but his father had explained every process with his sons.

Carlisle made a small cut in his hand, then made a similar cut on Edward's hand. Clasping the bleeding hands together. "Fuil mo chuid fola, rialaigh agus cosain an teaghlach ar gach costas." (Blood of my blood, rule and protect the family at all costs.)

After his father had released his hand, Edward looked down at the ring that now resided on his finger. He knew that he would one day be wearing this ring, though it was supposed to be some time in the distant future. Was he nervous about assuming all the responsibilities of becoming the Captain? YES. Was he prepared to be the Captain? YES. His father had been thorough in preparing him for the longest time and would be behind him as he began his reign as Captain. Turning to his brothers, he knew without a doubt who would be his second and who would be the Warlord. "Jasper, I name you, Clan Chief and Emmett, I name you, Warlord."

"I am honored, Captain," Jasper and Emmett stated at the same time.

Captain. He was now Captain of the Cullen Family.

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