Part 3: Realization. 🤍

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The music stops playing and I stop dancing. I turn my head to the tall figure standing beside me. Standing beside and looking down at me was TAYLER FUCKING HOLDER! Tayler and I go way way way back. We went to the same primary school and high school and let's just say I've had a 'thing' for him ever since the start of kindy. It was the first day of kindy and I was walking into to school and this girl named Jocelyn stuck out her foot and tripped me over. I fell and dropped everything but Tayler helped me and made sure I was okay. He was so sweet, and kind too me. We talked and were sorta friends, he came over sometimes, only because of Griffin tho. We went through all of school as some what friends, up until half way through 9th grade, he was part of the popular people group and that involved Jocelyn. Jocelyn bullied me my whole schooling life. Anyway half way through year 9, Tayler and Jocelyn started dating, I was heart broken, not only that, Tayler stopped talking to me, stopped being kind and stopped standing up for me. He gave me dirty looks all the time and I quickly grew to hate him, I moved past my feelings, they never went away in fact they are still here right now, but I have moved past them, well did move past them, anyway, he started saying mean things and being mean, I was so confused, but then I met Nick and Addi and everything was okay and I thought that Tayler Holder was in the past, apparently not.

"Hi" I say without smiling at him, he smiles but I just roll my eyes. I don't give him the chance to say anything else I just trun around a walk towards another boy and girl who were unfamiliar to me. I walk over and hold out my hand to the boy, he was extremely handsome, not my type tho, I saw Addi standing there just staring at him and i let out a little laugh.
"Hi!! My name is Brooke! Welcome to the hype house." I say gleefully and he shakes my hand.
"Hi I'm Nate! Nice to meet you Brooke!" He says, his voice is was deep but also comforting in a way. I smile and turn to the girl who was about the same height as me, she holds out her hand but I pull her into a hug.
"Hey roomie! I'm Brooke!" I say excitedly. I pull away from the hug.
"Hey Brooke! I'm Kelieanna!" She says. I smile and so does she.
"Come on I'll show you too our room!" I say and I lead her up the stairs and into my room. When I walk in Jack Wright is in my room looking for something, I think I forgot to mention them but they are also part of the hype house, they moved in as well but they live on the very top floor, next to the kitchen, I walk in and just laugh at him. He stands up and looks at me funny, he then notices Kelieanna and just freezes and then rubs the back of his neck with his right hand and laughs shyly. I turn to look at Kelieanna but she is just stood in the door way with nothing to say, just staring at Jack, when she sees me looking she quickly turns away.
"Okay.... so I kinda feel awkward right now, Jack this is Kelianna and Kelieanna this is Jack, Jack Wright." I say pointing at both of them.
"Uh um.. Hi Kelieanna!" Jack says and then quickly looks at the ground.
"HIIIII!!" Kelieanna says with excitement and just waves . I laugh. They are so very awkward.
"This is your side of the room" I say to Kelieanna pointing at the side of the room that has an empty bed and no decor. Kelieanna nods. She picks up her suit case and takes it over to the bed and dumps it on the bed, she goes to un zip it but turns around and starts walking out the door.
"That can wait till later" she says flicking her hand. All three of us laugh and walk out the door. I don't see Kelieanna for the rest of the night, she went off with Jack, I think they are just getting to know each other but I've already planned the wedding. On the other hand I have not stopped running into Tayler all night, every where is go he is there, like Jesus Christ. Nate is really sweet, I have made some tik toks with him. And we have taken so many insta photos of every one, I love this house so much, I never want anything to change...

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