Part 14: My Favourite person on this Earth 🤍

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Brookes Pov

I wake up and the sun is shining brightly through my window, it's brighter then usual but that's because I've packed my curtains away ready to go in my new room at the hype house. I smile feeling Taylers arms still wrapped around me. I reach for my phone which is just lying beside me and check the time, it's 7:30. I slowly remove myself from Taylers grasp, only to be pulled back. He doesn't say anything he keeps his eyes closed but he pulls me in and wraps his arms back around me, a little tighter this time, I just smile and continue to lay there, happy.

Eventually I have to get up so I again make my way out of Taylers grasp he lets me go this time but he doesn't move.
"You should get read as well you know" I say to him softly. He responds with a smile but keeps his eyes closed, I roll my eyes and make my way to the bathroom. I shower and do my routine, I get out and braid my hair into 2 right Dutch braids, I don't apply any makeup,
I shape my eye brows tho and put on some lip balm. I then get changed.

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This is the result

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This is the result. I step out of the bathroom and Tayler is dressed already.
"I used Kios bathroom" he says I smile and nod. He comes over and embraces me and I start to softly cry into his shoulder although he he here's , either that or he just knows.
"Why so sad?" He questions.
"It's just that these boys were so welcoming to me and they have become my brothers and this place has become so familiar and this bedroom has become my safe place and I'm just really going to miss it and them" I say a cry a little more.
"Hey that's understandable, we don't even have to move out if you don't want, I'll move in." He suggests which makes me smile, I just love him so much and he would literally do anything for me and I know that, I'm so great full to have him in my life. But I shake my head.
"No I want to move with Griff and Dixie and Harlow, I wanna be there for them, and I don't wanna miss a second of Harlow being a new born, plus I miss everyone, I actually miss Calvin and Patty, and Alex, and I miss Ryland and Nick annoying the shit out of me all the time" I say and we both laugh.
"It's just I'm really gonna miss this place too." I say I pause. "I was thinking, because the hype house is so crowded, when we have our own kids, I thought it would be pretty cool to move in here, I feel like the boys wouldn't mind and there is also less of them" I say without even thinking.
"You wanna have kids with me?" Tayler questions with a smirk. I smile .
"Well you have got pretty good genes" I say which makes him laugh. He pulls me in and kisses me a bunch of times all over my face. I love this man. We finish packing everything of mine into boxes there is still stuff for Griffin and Dixie but I left it for them to pack because I thought it was bit personal. As Tayler is tapping up my last box the door bell rings . I immediately run to the door because I know it will be Griffin and Dixie with baby Harlow and I must admit I miss Harlow already. I'm only 19 and I've always know that I want kids I'm just terrified of pregnancy and labour so I never knew if I would ever go through with it, but seeing baby Harlow and the end result, it's helped me over come my fear just a bit. I open the door to see Griffin with Baby Harlow in one arm in her baby seat and Dixie gripping the other to help her walk up the stairs. She is fine on flat ground but stairs still cause her a bit of grief. She has been in the hospital for 3 days now, and I've missed all three of them, Griffin didn't want to leave their sides, I didn't blame him. Harlow was so cute, her face was all squished in her car seat, she was absolutely tiny tho! Like by far the tinniest baby I've ever seen, her hands were the size of chicken nuggets, maybe just a tad smaller, and her feet were the actual size of chicken nuggets.
"Aw" is all I can say at first. "I miss you guys" I say with excitement.
They come in side. I hug them both.
"We have packing to do Griff" Dixie yells form her spot on the couch, she stands up, Griffin rushes to her aid.
"I'm fine! I'm perfectly capable of walking on my own!" She says and I laugh.
"What about Harlow?" Griffin asks her.
"I've got her" I say and smile. Griffin nods and they head up stairs. Slowly. Once they are safely up and in their room I turn all of my attention to Harlow.
"Hello" I say to her. "I'm your Auntie Brookes" I say. She opens her eyes and she has the most beautiful greenish bluish eyes, which are pretty much identical to Griffins, But her hair, well the very little hair that she has on top of her head, more like thin wisps of hair she has on her head are Jett black just like Dixie, she also has a small dusting of freckles like Dixie, and pale skin but now too pale it still has some golden ness to it. She is wearing a one piece that is white with blue butterflies on it. It's a button up. It's simple but looks so incredibly cute. I smile at her and she smiles back as I tickle her tummy. She grips on of my fingers with her whole hand and holds on tightly, I just laugh a little causing her to let out a slight laugh.
"I love you, yes I do, I love" I say and she laughs again, as I tickle her tummy again, I then un clip her seat belt and
Pull her out of the seat, underneath her arms, I then hold her for a while, I then lay her in my arms and I nurse her. I look up and see Tayler smiling at me holding a box. I motion my hand for me to come over, so he places the box down and walks over.
"Isn't she just so cute!" I exclaim and he nods in agreement.
"Your going to be the worlds greatest Mum one day, you know" he says, extremely confident as well. I smile, I seriously can't wait to have kids. I look back down at Harlow and she has fallen asleep, I can't help but smile, she is officially my new favourite person besides Tayler on this earth and I can't wait to teach her all kinds of things.

Authors Note: Okay so Hi! Also I really need some help, do I put more drama in and maybe have like a new love interest come in, or should I keep things the way they are, I was thinking a vacation maybe, or maybe Tayler and Brooke can have a fight? Or maybe they wanna have a kid, but I kinda wanna save that for the sequel, so idk!! Let me know!!! Also thankyou for 250 reads!!! ❤️❤️

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