Cliff Story 1

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to the actual person, places or events are purely coincidental.



I sneaked out of our house when everybody was fast asleep. I laid down my body on the mats and then again spent my whole night on this cliff where we used to meet each other before —if only he didn't leave. Chills slid down my skin as the cold breeze swiftly kissed my cheeks.

"Remember? Tonight's the 13th of February. Happy anniversary... of friendship, Keenan," I whispered to the wind then I closed my eyes.

Waiting for him to come back is like waiting for the moon to turn green. I heaved out a deep sigh for the fact that he'll no longer return for me.

This cliff was the best place to have a conversation with the stars. A jolting thump snapped me out of my reverie. More like somebody smashed his bag forcefully to the ground.

Someone's here...

I sat upright and rummaged my sight around the vicinity.

Keenan? Is that you?

"K-Keenan? Are you there?" A long pause reverberated before that man spoke up.

"Ohhh, sorry. Pft. It's not my intention to disturb you, miss. I did not expect that someone's here too. I'm Klauss, by the way. Not Keenan."

I saw his genuine smile despite the darkness. How could he be this jolly after all?

"K," I replied.

"What brought you here? Isn't it dangerous for a girl like you to be out here all alone?"

I was too lazy to even speak a word. I gave him a quick glance and I can easily see from his face that he was expecting an answer from me. I pulled my gaze away from him.

"Okay, I get it. It seems like you're not in the mood to talk, but not me. So, I hope you won't mind me being noisy here," I heard him chuckle a little, "I discovered this place just recently and I fell in love with it at first sight. This cliff has the perfect spot to watch the night sky and my favorite constellation.  I did not expect that someone would be here too."

I supposed to spend the night alone and grieve for my heart that died a year ago but somebody appeared out of nowhere and ruined everything. If only Keenan was here, I wouldn't be in despair.

"It seems like you've been here already for a couple of times. Forgive me for my intrusion, but I'd like to share this place if it's okay with you," he continued.

"No, I don't want to."

This place should only be exclusive for me and Keenan.

"Sorry but I don't want to leave this place either so you have no choice but to share it with me. C'mon, I'm not the bad guy here. I don't have any intention to harm you."

"I don't care."

I almost blurt those words out but my tongue felt like it stuck in my mouth. I slowly took a peek at him thinking that he might still be staring at me but good thing that he was currently looking up at the stars.

I now had a clearer view of him even though it was his sideview that was visible to me. He had that well-defined jawline and sharp nose with a little smile forming on his lips. His eyes didn't fail to reflect the beauty of cosmos. I jerked up a little when he started to speak once more.

"Some people believe that if we die, our soul will be taken back by the universe and we become one of the stars. Do you believe in it too?" he asked, never leaving his sight on the sky.

"Scientifically speaking, no."

"I know that science is full of facts and can provide explanations to almost everything just like the life of a star, how it was born and when it burns out, but you know, there's always an exemption to the rule. One of its examples is death. Science has provided explanations to the origin of life but it cannot prove on what happens to human souls after we die. Don't you believe in reincarnation?"


With that, he slowly diverted his gaze to me with an upward curve forming on his lips.

"Well, I do. In my next life, I hope to meet you there again and then we will become close friends but I think I can no longer wait for another life to come for us to be friends if we can do it now."

"I don't need friends."

Why does this man has so much to say? I hastily stood up and fixed my things when he spoke up again. "Wait! Are you leaving already?"

I started walking away from him as if he never existed at all. Not long after, I noticed that he's been following me.

"You know what, sometimes it's good to open up to strangers. Based on my observations of you earlier, it's as if you're carrying the whole world on your shoulders. I won't mind if you share some of your burdens to me. I'm stronger than Ironman, you know. See this?" He flexed his arms trying to show off his biceps, "I can even carry you with just one arm. Wanna try?"

I stopped walking and glared at him. I crossed my arms on my chest. Suddenly, I saw him burst out laughing. Was he out of his mind?

"C'mon, I was just kidding. I was only trying to make you laugh, but it turned out that I was the one laughing at my own joke. Geez, I'm so hilarious!"

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