The Playlist

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Peter makes a playlist for your special night together... little do you know it contains the only secret he's never told you...
(I'm pretty proud of this one)

Memories are in italics
Lyrics in bold and italics

"Peter, this is..."

"...amazing." Peter finished your sentence effortlessly.

"How do you always know what I'm going to say?"

"I know you," he replied. "Plain and simple." He couldn't help the tinge of pride in his voice.

You looked out into the night again, rubbing a corner of the picnic blanket between your fingers. A gentle breeze lifts its edges off the concrete of the roof, and your focus shifts from the fluttering corners to the garden arch behind you, draped in fairy lights. Peter had explained to you how shocked he was that his landlord let him do it, but you weren't surprised at all. Peter had a way of getting what he wanted, even if he didn't realize it: people trusted him because he was sweet and good-hearted. He genuinely cared about everyone.

He genuinely cared about you.

He cared about you so much that he set up this entire night, making sure it was absolutely perfect. And it was.

After a few more minutes of stargazing, Peter suggested the two of you sit under the arch instead. Once you'd moved, Peter reached for something you couldn't make out, simultaneously pulling his phone out of his pocket.

"Ooh, gimme!" You eagerly tried to snatch the phone from his hand, but he was ready for you. "Damn spider-sense." you thought to yourself as he smiled at your pout, holding the phone above his head.

"Uh uh uh," he tutted. "I get to choose the music for tonight." he proclaimed, uncharacteristically suave, but in an endearing Peter-ish way. "I picked it all out ahead of time. Made a playlist and everything."

"Awww, Peter!" you cooed, hands over your heart. "That was really sweet of you!"

He blushed a little and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I-It was nothing."

He clicked play and waited with bated breath. The first chord began, and your face lit up with excitement.

So no one told you life was gonna be this way

You and Peter clapped along with the song.

"Your job's a joke, you're broke, your love life's DOA!" you yelled the next lyric, smiling wide. Peter joined in for the following one, and soon you both were screaming the lyrics as loud as you could.

I'll be there for you
When the rain starts to pour

The goofball sitting beside you pretended to hand you an invisible umbrella, which you accepted gladly.

I'll be there for you
Like I've been there before

I'll be there for you
You'll be there for me too...

As the song faded out, you tried to mime closing the umbrella, but to Peter, it looked more like you were trying to strangle a duck. You quickly gave up and chucked the invisible umbrella over your shoulder.

"How long is this playlist anyway?" you asked him.

"You'll see."

As if on cue, the next song began with the strumming of a guitar. The singer hummed the first note and you instantly knew what the song was.

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