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Love Interest

Y/n l/n

The kook princess.

Even though you were the kook princess you were also a pogue.

Like Kiara your foot is in both worlds.

You walk down the driveway to check if your package had arrived.

As your walking down the driveway you see someone picking a flower out of your garden.

As you walk closer you see JJ. You and JJ have always been close friends. Where you went he went and vice versa. Never one without the other.

Naturally after spending so much time with the boy you started to develop feelings for him. But you pushed them to the back of your mind knowing it wouldn't go in your favor if you confessed your feelings.

"Hey! What have I told about taking flowers from my garden to give to girls who aren't interested" You call out to him and he looks up at you smiling.

"But I always give the flower to you" he says tilting his head to the side "My point exactly"  you say smiling and he just rolls his eyes.

"Why are you here? I thought this was enemy grounds" you say as JJ hands you the flower.

"I came to pick you up the pogues want to go surfing, if you're down for it" JJ tells you "Yeah of course. Is my board still at John B´s?" You question and JJ nods.

"Ok let's go" you beam as you and JJ get on his bike then drive towards the chateau.

"Bonjour bitches!" You say happily as you enter the chateau.

"Hey y/n" Kiara says happily you share a hug with her. Along with the others.

"Lets get this show on the road" John B cheers. The boys load the surf boards on to the van while Kie and I sit back to watch.

"Anything new with Patrick?" Kie asks and you chuckle. The two of you picked out codenames for each of the boys based on the TV show character you both think they act like.

JJ is Patrick from spongebob, Pope is Ried from criminal minds and John B is Fred from scooby doo.

"Same old same old" you tell her "Can't believe he hasn't made a move yet" she huffs "I can. Kie like I've told you plenty of times, I don't think he likes me" you tell her.

"And I've told you plenty of times I know for a fact he does" she tell you and you chuckle.

"In my dreams"

"You guys coming or what?" John B calls out to the two of you "Sir yes sir" you salute John B then get in the back of the van with JJ and Pope.

JJ casually drapes his arm around your shoulder. Kie smirks at you two in the rearview mirror. You playfully roll your eyes.

After a few minutes of driving you find a good spot at the beach.

Everyone piles out of the car.

You reach up to unhook your board but you're too short.

"I got it sunshine" JJ whispers to you he grabs your surf board for you and gives it to you.

"Thanks J" you say smiling.

You wait for the rest of the the group to get their boards.

"Race ya!" You yell to JJ and sprint towards the water.

Of course you win because of your head start.

"I win!" You cheer happily "No far you cheated" JJ whines "Whatever" you shove his shoulder.

The two of you paddle out into the water to try and get some good waves but they weren't any good.

"These waves are shit" you tell JJ and he nods in agreement.

You straddle your board in the calm water looking out towards the sky.

"You look like you're in a movie" JJ chuckles "I am it's called y/n's adventures with the pogues and your my costar" you tell him.

"Really I'm honored" he puts his hand over his heart "What character do I play?" He asks and you chuckle "The love interest" you blurt out without thinking.

"What?" He asks your eyes widen as you realize what you just said.

"Um I uh- I have to go um take my goldfish for a walk" you stutter as you paddle back to shore.

"You don't even have a gold fish" he calls out to you as you get closer to shore.

Once you get to shore you set your board down in the sand and walk further down the beach to avoid JJ catching up to you.

Once far enough from the group to the point where you can't see or hear anyone from the group.

You sit in the sand and run your fingers through your hair in frustration.

"Fuck" you mumble.

How could I be so stupid you thought.

"Y/n!" You hear JJ calling your name "Y/n!" He yells again.

You would have to face him one way or another.

"Whats up JJ?" You say casually you wouldn't say anything about it until he did.

"You're the love interest" he says and you cock your head to the side.

"You said I was your costar in your movie. If I was the main character in a movie you'd be the love interest" he tell you and you smile.

"I like you, a lot y/n. I have for a while now actually" he confesses "I like you too JJ" you say smiling.

You walk over to him grab his face and plant one on him.

He smiles into the kiss and he grabs your waist closing any space in between the two of you.

You hear your friends cheering you on and you pull away chuckling.

"Huh, guess I am the love interest"

A/N: Yayy the first imagine. Im so excited for this book because I've really been loving OBX books and I've wanted to write multiple OBX books but I didn't want to write the whole story if you get what I'm saying.

So I decided to start this book!! I hope you guys enjoy it!!

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