Chapter 4

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I sit there watching Lucas as he stares into the space between us, obviously not looking at me. At this point I'm beginning to think everyone would be better off if I just didn't exist. Hold on...
"Lucas, we don't know where the vampires came from, but it has to be magic like us, right?" I ask him.
"I'm not sure. The Grand Council may know."
When I said before that Alpha's don't usually retire that was the truth. The one's that do go on to be part of the Council. They aren't a ruling body. The current Alphas have complete control over their packs. The Council is just that, a council. They provide advice, and occasionally mediation when issues can't be settled normally.
"If it is magic," I start, "Maybe there's a way to undo it. If the vampire's don't exist then the zombie ashes should be gone, too."
"I'm not sure you understand what's going on. The vampires controlled the human's with the virus, but they're not all bad. What you did in New York is every bit as terrible as what they've been doing. The consequences of your actions are worse." Lucas closes his eyes on that and rubs his nose with a forefinger. "Destroying a whole race seems like a drastic way to solve your problem."
"Okay, well, what do vampires do to keep their own ashes from rising? Their's should too right, or is it only a zombie thing?"
"If it was that easy they'd probably be doing it."
"So it's a zombie thing..."
"I talked to Bruce early this morning," he says changing the subject. "The Council wants you." He finally looks at me tapping on the desk in front of me.
"Wouldn't it be faster to do it over the phone." I say a little cowardly.
"Faster yes, but while Bruce is deciding on your punishment you'll need a mediator. I'm supposed to bring you in. Planes have been grounded by the bomb so we'll have to drive. Go home, pack some things. I'll be by Heath's house in an hour to pick you up."
"Won't you need to stay with the pack?"
"Gamma's doing that. Bruce thinks this is more important."
"Oh, okay." I say reluctantly then move to leave. I make it to the house's front door then turn back to look at the closed door of the office.

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