Chapter 8

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The look between us was awkward after that. It's kind of weird feeling what he feels. Wait...he feels that too. This might be a good time to ask any questions he may not want to answer.
"So, how do you feel about this whole thing?" We both ask at the same time. Jinx. Actually that's pretty funny. Okay serious now. I feel strange, lonely and connected at the same time. Am I lonely and he's connected? Are we both?
"I think we're splitting," Lucas says. "Are you feeling lonely or am I?"
"That must be you . I don't get lonely. I was content to spend a year in a shoebox apartment in New York, hacking the vampires servers."
"That must be why you're lonely," He says.
"Okay so that must be you feeling connected."
"I guess. I mean weren't we meant to share with our soulmate. That's the way it was at the beginning."
"Possibly, but the magic is fading. No one bothers waiting for a soulmate anymore," I say.
"But we're proof it still exists. Maybe I'm glad I don't have to marry someone political that my dad's picked out."
"WHAT?! Now you want to get married?"
"Why wouldn't we? Our souls are connected. Do you really think we can go on with our lives apart. I will know how satisfied you feel after a poo. Do you think it can get anymore intimate than that?"
"Okay gross, but good point."
At this point we've reached the cabin, and the poo comment killed the conversation. I think we were unanimous in our decision to get inside and recover. Lucas went first as he is taller than me. The one going through a door first faces whatever danger waits on the other side. So the biggest of us goes first.
The cabins look like they haven't been updated since the 70's, but I know they keep careful maintenance of them. Everything is neat and tidy, and looks to be in good condition. Most of the cabin is one big room with three doors on the back wall. One room on either side with a bathroom in the middle. I know this because the doors are all ajar.
I head to the door on the left since it gets more morning light. So does he. Okay, so I change to the door on the right. So does he. "Look," he says, "You take the one on the left. I'll take the one on the right."
"Thanks," I say knowing he also wanted the morning light.
"We separate and go to our rooms. I pull back the down comforter, and lay on the bed. I feel a little stupid for the poo comment, and then realize I wasn't the one who said it, and he feels stupid. I laugh a bit at that.
I sleep. He sleeps. My phone alerts me at dinner time. I smooth my hair with my hands, and go out into the living room. He's waiting. "So, is this a formal dinner, or can I wear this?" I ask pointing down to my jeans and t shirt.
"Anythings fine. A lot of people show up in wolf form with no clothes, and just wear a some Council given sweats."
"Cool...Shall we?" We walk down the path to the fire pit that the cabin's share and then follow the road to the Lodge.
It was already dark, so walking up to the lit up lodge house is a bit awe inspiring. We go through the front door. Betty's waiting in the lobby.
"Baby, they won't let me room with you," she says.
"Um, about that..." he starts realizing no one's told her about our bond, and he now has to break up with her. "Let's go in the library, and talk for a bit."
I smile to myself at his predicament, and he glares at me. Then I laugh, and he smiles. He marches off with Betty in tow into the library. I feel a barrage of emotions then here her yell, "WHAT?! That old lady!"
I laugh harder because he's my age even though we don't look it. Then feel a bit miffed. He's trying to be serious and I'm messing him up. It takes a good 10 mins, and I think maybe I'll have to go into dinner without him. Finally she comes stomping out with murder in her eyes. "You -" she starts.
"Leave her alone," Lucas says following her.
He walks to me, and she moves on into the living room where everyone is waiting. We wide eye look at each other. Then follow. She's going to be here as long as we are. Awkward.

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