Chapter 1

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*Flash back* Blood dribbled from wounds on Lukes back. He's only 14 and already damaged. Evan took a sip of vodka. He loved when Luke begged for mercy. When Luke begged him to stop whipping his back with cables, Evan with smirk on his face turned bottle on side, letting clear liquid cover the cuts. Luke yelled in agony while crying his eyes out. Suddenly he saw Evan taking his sweat pants off. ''I will show you how being gay hurts''...


''Luke! Wake up! Luke please wake up!'' Luke felt someone shacking his body, slowly opening his eyes he saw red messy hair and pale skin. It was Michael. Luke saw fear in his eyes, so he calmly sat up and he hugged Mikey. ''What's wrong? Why did you wake me up?'' Luke asked with concern. ''Y-you were screaming and kicking your legs out a-and i get scared. Sorry'' Michael said with his voice cracking. In that moment Luke realised that his cheeks are wet from tears. ''Its fine Michael, I should be sorry. I woked you up''. Michael gave him a small smile. '' Do you want something to drink?I know its late but hot tea would calm you-'' Michael was cut off by Luke. ''Sure, thank you'' Michael was about to leave the room but he stopped. ''Michael?''luke said with squeeky voice. ''Yaaas Lukeeey?'' Michael answered in girly voice. ''You are the best'' Luke whispered giving Michael big smile.

When Michael finnaly went to the kitchen, Luke get up from the bed and went to his bag. Secretly, he took small box and carefuly went to the bathroom on his tip toes. As he get into the bathroom he stood in front of the sink. ''You worthless piece of shit'' he whispered to himself as he took shiny blade from the box. ''Mum was right, you only cause trouble. No one will ever miss you. No one would miss fag. No one...'' Luke mumbled to himself again, holding a sharp blade against his skin. He pushed the blade harder and made a first cut ''For being gay'' Second one ''For being fat''Luke continued to cut his wrist till it was all covered in deep cuts.

''What the fuck you doing Luke!'' Michael yelled in terror. Luke didn't answer, he felt numb, the way he likes to feel; all the problem desappear when blood drips down into skink. Michael pulled Luke from bathroom and bandaged his arm. ''W-why did you do that?'' Mikey whispered, he couldnt talk normally, he was shocked and terrified. ''I don't want to live any more..'' Luke muttered. ''But why Luke!'' Mikey yelled in calm voice. Luke took a deep breath ''Do you really care? . ''Of course I do, you're like brother to me. Please Luke tell me I need to know what caused you to feel upset''

After an hour of explaining Luke's childhood, Michael felt anger and disappointment. Not because Luke didn't tell him that he was raped and abused by his parents (mostly stepfather),he was mad at himself because he didn't notice that his friend is depressed. Luke ended up sobbing in Michaels arms. He knew that Michael would understand , they know each other scince year 10. '' Michael?'' Luke wiped tears from his red cheeks. ''Yes Lukey?''Michael looked at Luke with warm smile. ''There is one more thing'' Luke said it with his voice nearly impossible to hear. ''What is it?'' Michael whispered. ''Im in l-love with A-ashton. Luke said it breathing out the air. Suddenly Michael's face dropped. ''Luke I need to tell you something...'

This is first chapter, i think is pretty good or maybe not, i don't know. But anyway i hope you enjoyed it xxxx~julia

P.S tell me if its shit or nah 😝

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