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S3 E7: Ghost World

"Do you want to know one thing I mastered in my thousand years of experience? Life becomes much easier when you learn to let go of inconsequential grievances. I have nothing against you and I could not care less that you are not very fond of my siblings, but what I do know that I have not done anything to cause any grudges between us because I have spent the last four decades in a coffin. Am I right? So, may you please put aside your differences with me and allow me to offer my assistance." -Alexandria Mikaelson

"  -Alexandria Mikaelson

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       MY FINGERS BRUSHED THROUGH THE DAMP blonde strands of my hair as I stood in the shower, leaning toward the water with my eyes closed. The coconut hair conditioner making it easier for my fingers to pass through as the scented essence fell down my back. The situation with the human dopplegänger crossed my mind during my shower. I knew that Klaus was firmly interested in her because her blood allowed him to sire his hybrids, although I was not sure how I felt about the birth of the new species. Hybrids were far more dangerous than any vampire and werewolf. The power they held was astounding. Able to kill vampires with a mere bite and surely more difficult to kill, it was clear they would pose a fatal threat to vampires. Although I knew my opinion would not prevent anything as I knew that Klaus was siring them as I stood in the shower, attempting to relax and finally feel alive after nearly half a century in a confined box. 

I hummed to the tune of And I Love Her by the Beatles. One of the first things I did when I found the time to was to download as many Beatle tracks as I could on the cellular device my brother was so generous to buy for me, as if it made me forgive him for keeping me in a coffin for forty years. Surprisingly, my first reaction to him buying me such a device was pure disbelief. I could not believe that phones could be so small and were now transportable. Last time I was awake, telephones were only found on the walls of our houses. It merely blew my mind away how much times have progressed since the last time I had the pleasure of enjoying life's greatest gifts. Turning off the water before I stepped out, I felt the temperature decrease significantly. I immediately grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I checked around the rather large bathroom to see if there was anyone around, but I did not find anything that suggested so. I sighed, tying the edge of the towel under my arm. I grabbed a much smaller towel that hung on the towel rack and wrapped it around my hair. Turning to face the mirror, I could almost feel a presence behind me before I heard the words that would haunt me for the rest of the day.

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