Wake up and Work

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".......Wake up!, Wake up! It's time to get up!", the chicken clock chirps while the alarm blares in Kains ear. Getting irritated, he slams his fist onto it, breaking the button and deforming the chicken entirely.

"Shit...that was my favorite looking clock...nothing I can do about it now"

Sighing and upset, he gets up and gets dressed, knowing that today was a work day as his phone starts to vibrate, picking it up it shows he got a message from Ima,

Ima-nent>>> Hey, let's walk to the cafe together, we need to talk about Barren slacking on the job.

Kain-train>> Ok sounds good, I'll be out in a bit.


He finishes putting on his uniform, grabbing his backpack with recipies of the different cafe items in a book, his phone, wallet, keys, and his hat, walking out of the door and meeting Ima outside as they head over to the cafe.

Waiting at the crosswalk Ima clears his throat gaining Kains attention as he starts to speak.

"Barren hasn't been doing his job correctly as I briefly explained to you in the text...and seems to be distracted due to his lateness and heightened awareness...have you noticed that?"

"Kind of...Chocol seems the same way but she hides it much better than barren"

Kain gives a little chuckle at the comment he made as the light turned green and they continued to walk, getting closer to the cafe each step that they take and soon arrive at the front door. Before going in Ima says he would talk a bit with Barren, leaving Kain and immediately heading straight to the back room.

Kain walks in setting his bag down behind the counter and greeting Sami as he checks up on him, putting some of his things away, turning on the open sign and getting ready to serve some customers, in need of their caffeinated fix.

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