• laces •

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August 26th 1986

Harry fumbled with his laces letting out a long grumble of annoyance

"Ugh I can't do it!"

"Harry honey what's wrong?"

"I cant tie my waces mummy" Harry whined, crossing his arms and pouting frustratedly

"sweetheart, don't get upset it's easy remember what daddy told you?" Lily took ahold of one of Harry's feet and smiled at him, "bunny has how many ears?"

Harry frowned, "two..."

Lily made two loops, "and remember the bunny gets crossed up" she crossed the loops

"And then he—"

"Picks his nose!" Harry exclaimed, giggling as he spoke

"Yes then he picks his nose" she pulled the loop through

"And then he pulls his ears" she pulled the knot right and smiled, "there you go angel"

Harry smiled "fank you mummy"

"You're very welcome my sweet boy"

She gently ruffled his hair and gave him a quick kiss

Harry smiled and hugged her leg, "Mummy whewe awe we going?"

"We're taking you to uncle Sirius for the night honey...you get to have a night with him while your daddy and me go out"

"Yay" Harry said happily, "can I bwing a toy?"

Lily smiled, "yes honey but maybe just one"

"Just one...but mummy" Harry whined and gave lily puppy eyes, a sight that was irresistible

"Alright fine you can bring two toys"

"Yay! Fank you Mummy!" Harry jumped up and down in excitement and ran off to go and get his toys

He came back with horold, his Hippogriff, and the little quidditch figure that James had gotten him fro his birthday

"I'm aw weady mummy!" Harry said smiling happily at lily

Lily smiled and picked up Harry, finding it difficult to resist the urge

Luckily he still was on the small side and incredibly light, which meant picking him up remained easy for both lily and James

"You promise to be good for your uncle Sirius?"

Harry nodded, "i wiw be ex..exwa good mummy i pwomise" Harry said softy looking at his mum with big wide eyes

"Good he's so excited to see you he hadn't got to see you in so long!"

Harry nodded, "I'm ex..exited to see unco siwius"

Lily softened at the sound of Harry's little voice trying to say his godfathers name

"Good now let's get—"

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