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"Teach me...please."

Akaashi was confused, although it wasn't visibly shown, he was confused. "Don't you have Kaiyo?" All of them have agreed not to use honorifics, since they will be working together for a while and some have agreed on using first name basis too.

(Y/n) stifled a yawn behind her hand, "Yeah I do have Kaiyo, but.."


She nervously shrugged, "I don't learn effectively from her, she rambles on about this and that and all these words and gun vocabulary which my brain doesn't process. They all just jumble together and like...I don't know, I get really confused." Her hand gestures were all over the place, as she tries to show what happens in her head.

Akaashi noted this, finding it somewhat cute, his previous expressionless face had switched to a momentary small smile, "Are you sure you're not trying to spend more time with me?" (Y/n) spotted the smile and his mocking tone and decided to play along, "Of course, why wouldn't I miss any extra time with my darling~"

His eyes narrowed for a split second at the way she said 'my', "Sometime in the future." He said as his face reversed back to his normal monotonous one.

"Oi! I heard that!" The unexpected shout came from the other side of the room where Kaiyo was,
Damn... why is her hearing so good. Kaiyo made her way to the two, dragging Kenma with her.

"Kenma, tell her that I'm a decent teacher!"

"What if I don't want to?"

"Kenma.." Kaiyo's shoulders slumped down as she looked at the floor with sad eyes. She only had a soft side, mainly just for Kenma— but then again, who doesn't? Akaashi excused himself, something about it just felt far too familiar and he did not like it whatsoever.

Lev and Kuroo joined them as Akaashi left, "You're right (Y/n), Kaiyo is a terrible teacher." Kuroo's arms were crossed as his lanky self bent down to Kaiyo's eye level, a smirk played on his lips, "Just. Too. Terrible."

"Wait no, I didn't say that- Kuroo shut up!" (Y/n) scowled, threatening to punch him.

Lev yanked Kuroo's hair again, pulling him back. Kaiyo raised a hand in air as Kuroo flinched thinking that she was gonna smack him. As soon as he relaxed, he was struck on the back making him screech in pain, "OUCH!"

"I'd be careful if I were you. Tetsurō." Kaiyo's threat made (Y/n) and Lev stifle a laugh as Kenma smiled.

"But like-"

"Hey Hey Hey! The best person ever has finished his training!"

"Bokuto-san, please quiet down." Akaashi entered the room with Kohona beside him. Kohona ignored the the overhyped boy, jogging to where everyone was, "Hello guys, lunch is ready, they're serving soba and other side dishes downstairs."

Everyone's head perked up, apart from Kenma who was on his phone, playing his game once again.


Akaashi nodded at Lev, "Soba."

"After lunch, it would be hand-to-hand combat, either with or without weapon, your choice."

(Y/n)'s eyes gleamed in enthusiasm, "Does that mean I get to train with Bokuto?! That's awesome!" Finally, something productive for today.

"Of course! I'm the best after all!" Bokuto jumped in the air throwing his fists in glee from the compliment.

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