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Chapter: ⓶⓵


"That was hell." (Y/n) mumbles walking out the examination hall. She slapped her head in frustration because of not knowing some of the questions.

"It was alright.." Kaiyo responds not long after, she was confident in some parts but overall not very. "It was such a late notice. I barely revised."

"You'll probably still get higher." (Y/n) states, knowing that Kaiyo is somewhat more academically smarter than her, despite not caring about grades and revision at all.

"C'mon (Y/n). Think positive, don't act as if I didn't know Akaashi tutored you all night yesterday."

(Y/n)'s cheeks tinted with a very faint slight pink, she was suddenly reminded that she had caused him to stay up til very late, she had even lost track of time as she was too busy engrossed in his explanations. It wasn't until around 3am where she noticed Akaashi's voice became more drained and tired-like.

And that voice, was extremely attractive.

"How did you know that?" (Y/n) asks, she doesn't recall telling Kaiyo where she went at all yesterday, in fact she didn't tell anyone at all where she was, so therefore Kaiyo couldn't have had any source of information from.

"I was right? Wow, that was just a random guess." Sarcasm was written all over her voice, causing (Y/n) to roll her eyes. "Akaashi told me that you were with him, yesterday at like 12pm, I think." Kaiyo explained, raising an eyebrow to suspiciously glance at her friend.

(Y/n) hummed, "I thought you were mocking me. But yeah, I was with Akaashi.. for a very long time." She quietly fidgeted with her hands, "I wasn't trying to hide it or anything." She whispers right after, sensing the familiar look she's receiving.

"Mhmm, sure you weren't." Kaiyo says, mirroring (Y/n)'s eye roll- but more unimpressed. "That explains why I heard shuffling and annoying sounds around the dorms last night extremely late," She paused before turning back to face (Y/n). "Especially when the shower went off."

(Y/n) nervously chuckles, "Haha..ha... sorry." She apologises, rubbing her nape whilst facing the other direction in embarrassment. "But anyways, schools been very boring lately."

"Two more weeks and it's summer break."

Kaiyo sparked a memory for (Y/n) which caused her to ramble on, "Oh right! We have a mission with Fukurodani soon, I don't know when but Akaashi mentioned that it would take place after our re-takes but then again our re-takes are today so it's probably in a few days or possibly next week, but I don't know the details and he wasn't willing to tell me which sucks because I wanted to know about it..."

Kaiyo completely ignored everything she said after the mission with Fukurodani bit, her eyes twitched in exasperation. "A mission.... with... Fukurodani.. AGAIN?!" She screams the last part.

The volume between her quiet processing-like voice tone and her shriek made (Y/n) flinch, for she had not expected that to happen.

"What the hell did you want then?"

Kaiyo immediately frowns, "I wanted it to be with Karasuno or a solo Nekoma one. I want to meet the weird duo from there..."

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