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Chapter: ⓵⓸


"You're getting partnered with me."

"I'm what?"

"You're getting partnered with me." He repeats.


"Are you deaf (L/n)?"

The use of her surname made her cringe, "Please don't ever say that. Like ever. It's (Y/n) and no, I'm not deaf. I was double checking whether or not I heard right."

"That's a relief." He states.

She reaches out and jokingly slaps his arm, "Hey! What do you mean by that?!"

He slightly smiles as he dodges the attack, "I already told you, I have faster reaction time."

"Yeah yeah whatever you say sweethe-"

"Stop." A voice behind them cuts off (Y/n)'s sentence, making her frown and turn around, meeting eyes with Kenma. "No flirting." He adds on.

Kaiyo who sat beside him playfully pouted and said, "My wifey is about to leave me."

"We weren't flirting." She remarked loudly.

People around the class began murmuring, most were girls and they were the Nekoma students however there was a few Fukurodani ones as well.

"Is (Y/n) the someone oikawa was talking about?"

"What? No way!"

"Yeah she has 0 love interest."

"She's the one who akaashi is taken by?"

"Isn't akaashi with fukurodani's captain?"

"It can't be (Y/n). Isn't she with that third year kuroo?!"

Akaashi seemed to have caught on with what they're talking about among the people, he faces towards Kaiyo and asks her, "Has oikawa posted anything weird lately?"

She furrows her brows at the mention of him, "I don't even have him added on anything."

"Hey (Y/n)!" One of her classmates called.

(Y/n) responded by averting her eyes at her, "Yes?" More than half of the people in the room was staring at her, looking as if they're waiting for an answer.

She felt a bit uncomfortable being the centre of attention, it's not like she wasn't friends with her classmates. She was, they are friends but it's more of those mutual friendships with a simple greeting in the corridors or a smile and wave.

"Are you and akaashi together?"

Why does everyone think that?! She shuts her eyes, to take an unnoticeable deep breath. For a split second a wave of annoyance washed over her body, she just didn't grasp why people think that.

Actually, if it was between her friends, it would kind of make sense- since it was undeniable that they had been quite close together recently.

But to people she rarely talks to, it was just strange.

"We aren't." Akaashi bluntly says before she was able to reply. "We don't like each other romantically, we are just acquaintances that became friends due to our last mission." His expression hadn't wavered at all from his usual one.

I wouldn't even say we're friends? (Y/n) mentally cringed at the recollection of Bokuto.

But she nodded, agreeing along with Akaashi not wanting anymore suspicions.

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