Part 27 * innocent! *

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It has been a week since we are together. But nah. Not really. Actually it was like, I'm the only one who's addict to him. Who's showing so much effort. But I don't care duh, I know I don't deserve him and I know he needs time to forgive me. I'm way to bad back then.

I woke up in the morning and kissed him on his forehead.

"Morning kiss, baby

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"Morning kiss, baby.." ~off

I hugged him a little but he don't respond to me. Well, I am  okay. Used. But... Heyy gun, at least hug me back a little. I cried in my heart, I want his attention back. I want his smile, back. I want him.... Back. But it's all my fault to begin with.

I don't know why, but after all these days.. I feel like it were all worthless. I'm not going to give up on him. But, did he still feeling hurt? Am I now still hurting him, by how I'm treating him? Baby, this is not fake, this is how i want to treat you! I want to pamper you! I want to cling to you! Baby.. will you listen to what my heart say??

Without knowing he was awake, I cried! What the hell i'm not suppose to act like crybaby!! My tears were all over my cheeks, feeling all guilty and bad on my very own self. Also, i was embarrassed because i cried in front of him. With his pure heart, he might think that it was his fault oh god!

 With his pure heart, he might think that it was his fault oh god!

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"Papii.... Why are you.." ~gun

"Nothing important baby.." ~off

I tried to put a fake smile and he....

"Papii.. are you okay? " ~gun

He looked me in the eyes, he was too sweet! Too adorable,too innocent with that pure expression on his face. It made me feel so calm to look at him.

"Baby... are you feeling uncomfortable around me? "~off

He was silent. He just smiled and still look at me with his innocence eyes.

"Baby, am I still hurting you? Now? " ~Off

Silent. And the smile was slowly fading away from his face.

"Baby... if you need time.. just tell me. Okay? I promise I'll wait for you. I promise I'll understand and I'll try my best to improve myself. Don't look at me like that baby.. it's okay. You don't need to force yourself. You don't deserve to feel hurt...." ~off

He hugged me tightly.

"Heyy baby

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"Heyy baby.. tell me what is it.."~Off

"Papii... I love you,..papii.. I want you.. papii...and.. I don't want to lose you... i..i'm... sorry.." ~Gun

He started to sob.

"Shh.. baby.. it's okay. Come on, there are more,.. right? what is it?~Off

I said while patting his back, with hope that he will calm down a little.

"Papii... I've never been in any relationship before. I've never have that someone who loves me before, I mean.. a lover. I never have that. i.. I never feels as happy as being with you for my past 18years of life. Never. Papii.. i....." ~gun

He stopped again and tightened the grip on my waist. He put his face on my chest and I know he was panting. Lack of breath. He said all that in one breath. Aii this kid!

"Baby.. calm down..! Breathe....." ~Off

He ignored me and keep on talking.

"I don't know how to be sweet, I..I don't know how to react. I don't know how to... be...a.. well.."~gun


"yea.. I.. I.. teach me papii.. how do I.. how do.. papii.."~gun

He was distracted as he heard me laughing. He put his face closer to my chest.

"Papii.. i.. i'm.. shy!!!" ~Gun

He mumbled slowly but i can hear him though. Oh my god this little boy. He was,too... innocent!

"It's okay baby.. so you want papii to teach you, huh? " ~Off


He nodded confidently.

"Okay.. so papii will teach you how to be a good boy for papii naa.." ~off

He nodded again.

"So baby need to listen to what papii said then baby will..." ~off

"Papii don't talk like that. Papii you're smirking to me." ~gun

"Auu. You want me to teach you, so here let me teach you." ~off

I lift his face up and kiss him. He looked away and don't even kiss me back. Little kid! He then slapped my hand hard.

"Papii you're bad!!" ~Gun

There're a lot of things I needed to teach him from now then

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There're a lot of things I needed to teach him from now then. *smirk

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