then he kissed me-starr

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I wrote this in twenty minutes so it's shit but I want to get it out here before I upload more :^)

Glasgow, Scotland
April 30th, 1964

"Oh, Ringo, don't bother them please!"

He smiled as he took her hand, leading her down the venue hallway and back to the dressing room where Mal was lugging three guitar cases to the door. He  paused when the couple walked in, a look of distaste splattered on his face.

Ringo'd been pushing to take her to a show, even thought he feared greatly for her safety. She didn't want to go-not as an offense to the boys or anything-she was scared. Terrified, even. She didn't want to be anywhere near the large crowds, or the manic screams.

"Alright?" Ringo asks, noticing he was in the way. Alice tugged him to the side so Mal could get through, but he didn't budge. Wow, he really wants her to go.

She grips his hand tighter to tell him to get on with it. She'd given up with fighting after he made it through the door. "Mind if Alice stays?"

Mal shook his head. "No, no, just, move! Me bloody arms around about to fall off."

Richard grinned and pecked her cheek, leaving the man behind as he closed the door.

Later that night when it was time for the show, she was standing by John who waited by the doorway with his guitar, plucking aimlessly and dropping his tuning. George had Pattie cornered, whispering sweet nothings into her ear as she giggled into the crook of his neck. Paul and Ringo disappeared a few minutes before, complaining to Brian the entire way.

"It's murder!" Paul had argued. "I can't even bloody hear myself!"

"Honestly, Paul, you're acting like a little girl." Brian simply rolled his eyes; Alice could tell he'd been through shit this week by the bags under his eyes and the stumble in his walk.

"Where's Cyn?" John jumped at her sudden voice, a large hand coming to cup over his chest in shock. She chuckled, grabbing his wrist to lower his hand, "Didn't mean to scare ye."

"She's back home, down in Hoylake," he went back to tuning his guitar. "Visiting the grandmum with Julian."

She smiled. She hadn't seen Julian (or Cynthia for that matter) in yonks. She couldn't wait to get her hands on him, chase him around like she always did. She wanted to take Cyn to the spa, so they could relax from all the newly-announced "Beatlemania" drama. She didn't even need to see her to know that she was stressed out by the fans.

"Must be nice. We're they excited about you going to Scotland?"

He shrugged. "They couldn't care less, birdie. They're just happy I bring the filthy lucre home."

Her smile fell to a frown. She knew Cynthia cared about John, but sometimes it hurt to know that they fought so much, and so very often. She knew how much she missed John when he was away-or at least she could imagine.

"Alright, lads," Neil stalked in, pulling George away from Pattie and she smiled at George as he struggled to free himself from Neil's grasp to go back and kiss her, just one more time!

Alice shifted the weight on her feet from one foot to the other. She wondered where Paul and Ringo off to with Brian, but she decided to brush it off when Pattie joined her side and they followed the boys down the hall to the stairs.

The show had been incredible. She saw Ringo nod along to the bass, she saw John bounce, Paul stomp and George dance, something she'd only ever seen on television. Her and Ringo had been together for three months, only a short time, but long enough for them to both agree they loved each other. She was a secret, Alice was, no one knew about her except the little Beatle circle of the boys and their wives (and Brian, Mal and Neil of course).

She awaited with Pattie backstage for the boys to come off, tapping her feet on the floor patiently to make a beat. Pattie turned to watch Alice's shoes tapping away on the wooden stage, catching on to the song that she'd began to tap, and soon tapped another beat that went along with her. They began to dance around, tapping their feet and twirling their arms. As if on command, they began to sing together, a song they found they both liked when they first met:

Well he walked up to me
and he asked me if I wanted to dance.

He looked kind of nice and so I said
I might take a chance.

When he danced he held me tight,
and when he walked me home that night-

The boys popped out of nowhere, watching them intently as they danced around. The girls drew much more attention then they bargained for, and they still hadn't noticed the Beatles standing there. Scaring the absolute shit out of them, John and George began to stomp along, jumping and spinning just like the girls had, singing along; ALL THE STARS WERE SHINING BRIGHT,

Soon, all four had joined in on the last big line; AND THEN HE KISSED ME!

The girls' eyes widened, and they turned around to be met with the eyes of the world's favorite people. George smiled at Pattie, taking her in his arms to spin her around.

Alice watched Paul and John walk off to meet Brian, and Ringo caught her off guard by copying George and twirling her around in his arms.

"Christ, Ringo, you gave me a heart attack!"

"I liked yer dancing, if that makes up for it."

She looked him dead in the eyes, placing an eskimo kiss to his nose. "I guess it does. I missed you. You did fantastic."

"Thank you," his face melted to a sad expression. "I'm sorry about all the fans, they do that sometimes."

"You lot had to-"

"Stop, I know. We do that a lot too. Sometimes they just aren't quiet enough, so we wait. And usually, we just end up walking off early."

"Well, I enjoyed it while it lasted, thank you for letting me come along."

"Of course," he placed a kiss on her lips. "Always."

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