46. Failed Intrusion

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"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty!"

"Seydon Cross! You sick son of a bastard!"

I popped my index fingers into my earholes to block out the annoying screech of my cousin as I descended the circular stairs to the dining hall with a satisfied grin over my face.

"He's up?" Rihanna asked me as she continued turning around the ceramic plates on the table.

"All rising and shining, " I replied with a wide grin plastered across my lips. Something was alluring about waking up your cousin with a bucket full of ice-cold water.

Oh, I have missed these little acts that gave me the much needed sadistic pleasure.

When I woke up this morning, Rihanna had this "genius" idea of celebrating the long-forgotten Christmas and equally ignored birthday of Kaidon. Notice the sarcasm dripping down my voice when I call it a genius idea because it very much interfered with the little vacation I had taken from work to spend more time with Ariel.

Well, regardless, being my selfless and compassionate self, I offered to help, but they didn't let me take a step inside the kitchen, and instead handed me the job of waking Kaidon up. Now that was something I had excellent expertise in.

"So, my lovely ladies, what's for breakfast?" I asked excitedly as I rubbed my palms together, waiting to fill myself with the delicacies prepared by my second annoying cousin and my beautiful wife-to-be.

"Shopping, " Rihanna told me as she handed me a huge list of groceries and Ariel tossed my car keys at me.

"What? But- what about the early morning Christmas gourmet?" I cried, disappointed.

Ariel raised her eyebrows as she gaped at me while Rihanna chuckled.

"When was the last time you went shopping, Sey?"

I tried to recollect, and then fumbled around my pocket for my wallet. It surely must have a receipt.

Ariel slammed her hand on the table before me, and I had to jerk back because angry Ariel isn't someone you would want to be messing with.

"Let me answer that. It was six freaking months ago! When I left for my mission!"

Oh, right, I had been mostly eating out since then. I only bought the essentials.

I wrapped my hands around her hand and pulled it closer to my lips and gently grazing them over her soft skin , I pleaded, "Then let's go shopping together, just you and me." I gently pulled her to my lap, hovering my lips over her rosy ones. Her breath smelled like strawberries, her favourite flavour for toothpaste, and apparently mine as well since the day I got a taste of it.

"Gross!" Rihanna cried, gagging, and I looked past my lovely fiancée's face into her ugly one and glared at her.

Remind me again, why is she in my house? Oh, right, since the day Kaidon turned into the reckless brother and left me to take care of all this mess.

"Anyway, this list is big, " I said as I slid my hand through my overcoat and picked up Ariel's. "So, you're coming with me."

The doorbell chimed, and everyone glanced in that direction.

"Right on time." Rihanna hopped towards the main door and yanked it open. There stood the younger Reed, dressed in a suit and tie... and what's that?

I burst out laughing.

"Shit, Alex... I think I taught you better!"

He shoved the bouquet of freshly plucked roses towards Rihanna with an annoyed frown, and then loosened his tie as he walked past her. Rihanna giggled in delight as she took in the fragrance.

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