51. Of Royal Descent

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Raydon Cross

"How could you do this to me, Laila? ...No, we can't be together..."

"Laila Cross is a traitor."

"Laila Cross is working as a double agent for the Ford family. She needs to be executed."

"Raydon. You will need to head this task. Only then will the people trust you."

"Why? We have been separated for years now! She doesn't work for them anymore!"

"I want my grandson back from that witch!"

"You should have hidden better, Laila!"

"Do it, Ray. You need to kill me right now."

"Why are you doing this to me!?"

"So that our son never has to make this choice again."

"I will always love you, Laila."

His stern voice jolted me awake from my trance. I glanced at the chessboard sprawled before us, trying to recall where I left the game.

"It's your turn," he smiled at me.

"Yes, ...Chairman."

He pursed his lips and gave me a longing gaze. Then his mouth quivered and slightly curved up into a sad smile. "It's funny how you hesitate to address your father."

"I am sorry, father."

I was playing for black. I stared at my Queen, who was held along with the King in a direct attack made by my father. I picked it up and traced the contours of the piece with my fingers for a few seconds before placing it back on the board and protecting my King. My father picked up his Knight and slew my Queen.

My Queen.

Weird, how I always refer to her as that.

Some sacrifices ought to be made for the larger good.

I had fed myself that lie, all those years, to prevent myself from losing my sanity.

My phone started vibrating on the side table. I briefly glanced at it and noticed my son's picture gracing the screen.

"Go ahead. Receive it." Father told me as he sipped his herbal tea, and I nodded.

"We'll continue the game later." With those parting words, I picked up my phone and walked out of the in-house library. The door clicked shut, and I strolled out in the hallway, away from any listening ears. Sliding my finger across the screen, I put the phone to my ear.


It followed a brief pause, but I could hear him breathe. If it were any quieter, I could have heard him gulp as well which I presumed he did before he uttered-


It took me over thirteen to finally bridge the chasm and get him to call me that again. I lost the right to be referred to as 'father' on that night, and it took the death of his other loved person to bring us together. We weren't there yet, but we were making progress.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"H-How are you?"

He is such an innocent boy.

"We don't need to small talk, Kaidon. You should feel free to ask whatever you want from your father."

I never got to hold him when he was born. As soon as Leander left The Order, we started plucking out all the moles and eradicated them. I was the first person to discover that Laila belonged to the Fords. I was heartbroken. I didn't trust her again. We fought that night, and I asked her to leave, ignorant of the knowledge that she was pregnant with my child.

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