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Tori's POV

I pay the bartender a couple of pounds before he hands me a bottle of Smirnoff. I thank him before leaving the bar. I bought this for Tamara because I needed to thank her for staying up with me all night, last night. She didn't have to but she did, I wish Tom and Tord could be like that.

I see the apartment building in sight and jog over. I enter the lobby and dash up the stairs to our apartment room. I open the door and see Matt and Matilda on the sofa. Ell and Edd in the kitchen trying to whip up some dessert to distract themselves from the situation. And Tom was sitting on the floor, behind the sofa. He hugged his knees and legs to his chest and stared blankly at the wall while Tamara just sat beside him, bored to death.

When she saw me enter she flinched and smiled. I chuckled and threw the bottle of Smirnoff at her and she caught it, she giggled slightly before popping off the cap and chugging the alcoholic liquid down her throat.

Edd saw me and dropped the spatula he was holding, and ran over. Matt dropped the TV remote before doing the same. "So?! What did he tell you?" Edd asked impatiently.

"Why don't you listen to this yourself." I chuckle and pull out my phone. He takes it and sees the recording. "He didn't know you were recording, right?" Ell folded her arms. "Obviously, if he knew then I'd have to pry it out of him." I rolled my eyes playfully.

Edd nodded and pressed the play button.

~2 hours later: 09:30pm~

"Cuts don't come in straight lines, Tord!" The recording played, and nearly came to its end. "Get out!"

"Meet me at the Diner, we'll talk about this tomorrow." Was all that was heard, before ethe recording came to an end. It was silent. I looked to everyone, and finally Edd. He was sobbing, sniffing, hiccuping and tears were streaming down his face like a waterfall that could never stop." T-Tord, was cutting?" Edd managed to choke out. "Unfortunately."

My reply made the tears pour out faster. He looked over to Tom who was hiding his face in his knees. "Tom. Don't you feel anything?" Edd asked, his voice cracking. He lifted his head and he had a blank, emotionless expression stuck onto his face. "I couldn't care less for that commie."

Edd growled slightly before exhaling. "What did Tord even do to hurt you this bad?! Tamara tell me! Has Tori ever wronged you?!" Edd screamed slightly. Tamara just went quiet, she looked here and there, taking a few sips from the Smirnoff bottle a couple of times.

"Tamara, tell him now or you're both in trouble." Ell folded her arms. Tamara just sighed and nodded. "It was about when we were 11, and Tori told me she had a crush on this on boy."

Me being the one who had no friends besides Tori, was afraid of being neglected and I was basically just a jealous bitch. She of course, noticed that and reassured me that she wouldn't neglect me in any way possible. But to me, it was a promise that she wouldn't get into any relationships. I have no idea why I thought that.

And when she got her first boyfriend, 2 years later. I obviously got jealous because she kept hanging out with him, buying him some lovey-dovey shit, and some times staying over at his house.

So whenever I felt alone at night, I'd usually head over to her room and she'd let me sleepover with her. But when she stayed with her boyfriend it was no use. So I went to her room to stay overnight, and stole her hoodie to go to sleep before leaving and heading back to my room in the morning.

After a few months,to bottle up my feelings and hide my jealousy I began getting into fights with Tori, they slightly backfired since she didn't like to be challenged. After she broke up with her boyfriend,it was no use. Because I had already began the fights and conflict.

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