Chapter 4

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Today is different from their normal filming day. All of the cast and crew need to travel outside of Seoul to continue filming. They will be spending three days in the Gangwon-do province.

It will take about an hour or two to get there, depending on the traffic. The actors gathered at the broadcasting building before leaving for Gangwon-do later.

"Alright I've checked everything and we are good to go." Jinyoung finished doing a last minute checkup before they start to move.

"I hate being far away from my bed! ughh." Y/N whines.

"Relax, we'll be staying at a fancy hotel. I bet the bed there is much more comfortable than yours."

"Hyung, trust me. There's no place like home. My bed is incomparable."

"Yeah sure whatever you say kid." They continue enjoying their morning coffee until somebody walked up to them.

"I'm sorry to bother you two. Jinyoung-ssi, can we talk?" A woman came to them and Jinyoung excuses himself from Y/N.

 'Isn't that Yujin's manager?' Y/N thought when he took a good look at the woman.

"Jinyoung-ssi, our team's has a car problem. It won't start. I asked the other managers, the filming crew, and they all said their cars are full." Jinyoung see the panic and the slight desperation coming from Eunbi.

"Oh no that's bad. We got a lot of space in our car, want to carpool together?" Jinyoung proposed his offer. "Can we? oh thank you so much!" She can finally feel relief after struggling for about twenty minutes. 

"Of course you can. Bring your things to the front and you can meet us there okay?" Eunbi bowed down a few times before going back to their car to get their stuff... and of course getting Yujin too.

Jinyoung return to Y/N. "What's up with her hyung?" He asked him. "They have car trouble. But I said they can ride with us." Jinyoung took a sip of his ice americano, savoring the bitterness.

"Going together..... So that means Yujin will be coming with us too!?" Y/N has a disbelief look on his face.

"Mhmm." Jinyoung nodded. "So you better behave and don't switch on your cold mode." He added.

It's not like Y/N is a bad guy to begin with, Jinyoung just wants the best for him, and for other people to see he's actually different from what people say.

"Let's go. We're leaving." They picked up their things and head for their car.


Jinyoung drove from the carpark to the drop off point where Eunbi and Yujin are waiting for them. "Here let me help you." He popped up the trunk and helps Eunbi put away their things.

"Yujin, you can hop on the backseat first. Y/N is in there, say hi to him first." He gave the younger girl a teasing wink. 

She nodded shyly before opening the door. The door slides and slowly revealing a sleeping Y/N. Yujin enters the car and giggled when she saw he's sleeping. She went near him and wave her hand in front of his face.

"Stop that or I'll twist your hand." The sudden words coming out from him shocked Yujin. She hurriedly went back to her seat and sat upright. 

"Hehe~ Sorry, I thought you were sleeping." She tugs her hair behind her ear. Trying to regain her composure.

"I'm trying to. Now please don't disturb me." He turns his body and face towards the window, facing away from her. 


Some time skip...

Y/N slowly open his eyes, adjusting to the brightness. To his surprise, he didn't see the view that he expected, he expected to see a mountain or a seaside view. Instead he saw someone's neck.

He quickly back away and fixes himself.

"Good morning Y/N-ssi! I see you had a very nice nap." Jinyoung wriggles his eyebrows to Y/N through the rear-view mirror.

Yujin have a tint of redness after Jinyoung's teasing but Y/N put on his serious face.

"Yujin, feeling comfy back there?" Eunbi turns around from the front passenger seat and saw a flustered Yujin.

"I'm okay unnie." She then saw Eunbi gave her a little smirk. "Yeah, you must be REALLY okay back there." She turns back facing the front.

'I must've did it when I was sleeping. But why didn't she wake me up or something...'

Y/N felt thirsty after his comfortable nap, he grabs a bottled water from the small compartment in front of him. When he was drinking it, Jinyoung made a sudden break thus making the water spilled all over Y/N.

Yujin saw it all unravel and tried to cover her mouth from laughing out loud, but she failed because she let out a small giggle and Y/N suddenly turned his head towards her.

'He definitely heard that.' Yujin turned her head and face him.

She saw him giving her an intense look.

He turns back facing forward and put on his poker face again. Yujin thought she has cross the line and scolds herself in her thoughts.

'Why did you have to laugh!? Why Yujin Why!?'

After an hour of driving Jinyoung stop at a rest stop. He needs a R&R and the rest probably needs it too.

"Hyung, I'm going to look for food. Anything just call me." Y/N told Jinyoung before walking to the rows of stalls and restaurants.

"Yujin. Go keep him company. He can't really take care of himself sometimes." Jinyoung nudged the girl to follow him.

"O-okay oppa." She then follows Y/N to search for foods.

"Is he really the cold person that everyone has been talking about?" Eunbi stood beside Jinyoung as they watch the two from the car.

"He's really not. He's a big softie inside and not that mature." He chuckled.

"It's hard seeing him open up to people other than me or his sister. Maybe Yujin can help him change?"

"I don't know oppa. Maybe she will? Who knows?"

He's the cold hard ice, ice just needs a hot enough flame to melt it.


Another chapter will probably be published later.


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