Chapter 15

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A few weeks later...

The couple agreed to go on another bike date. Only this time, they start early in the morning since they want to spend the free time they have with each other.

They have been more busy lately with their own individual schedule but the couple try their best to not let their careers get in the way of their relationship.

Yujin ride her own bicycle and meet up with Y/N before letting him take over. She has been craving something sweet lately so they're currently on their way to a cafe. It's a total hole in the wall place so not many people knew about it.


*Ring Ring*

The bell chimed when Y/N swung the door of the cafe. "Welcome~" One of the few employees there greeted them, she helps them settled on a table near the window.

The cafe is just like how they expected it to be. It's a nice little cafe with minimal decorations. Cozy and warm. "Wahh~ finally~" They took their mask off after ordering their food. "It's suffocating to wear these things." Yujin said.

Since they do want to eat, they can't keep their mask on forever. So, they took the precautionary step of wearing hats and having their hoods up to cover themselves if they took off the mask.

Time skip...

"Ah~ that was amazing!" Yujin put her knife and fork down after wolfing down the last bits of her chocolate chip pancakes. Meanwhile the boy stare at her, judging her actions.

"What?" She asked him. "You ate two pancakes and two omelettes. Even I can't eat that much." She crosses her arms and smirks at him. "Oh baby, you have no idea~" She patted her tummy, feeling proud of herself.

While Y/N and Yujin are conversing happily, they heard some people talk about something and... the subject of it, is their relationship...

"Yah, you heard about Ahn Yujin and Kang Y/N's relationship?"

"Yeah I know about it. They don't match with each other."

"I know right? Yujin deserved better than that robot guy."

"I notice nothing different about his acting. His tone and expression is always the same."

"Yeah he sucks a lot."

The two women giggled and stomp their feet a few times. The couple just stare at their plate, still can't quite process what they are hearing.

"Anyway, those two aren't for each other. That Y/N guy isn't that handsome anyway. Well he is a bit handsome but meh."

"I know right? I wonder how she managed to be in a relationship with him. Looks like he got no feelings. Must be a painful relationship for her."

"Speaking of no feelings, what happened to that emotionless guy and Chaewon?"

"How would I know? I'm not close to them"

"I was just asking. Don't be too worked up."

"I'm worked up because of those two pair. They're just match made in hell. Yujin just got drag into hell by Y/N. Can't even think about the future of both of them."

"Hope they split up."

His left hand is on the table. Yujin can see it slowly balled up and forming a fist. Before he does anything stupid, she softly grabs his hand.

"Let's get out of here. Have our own sweet time together." Her warm smile manages to make him realized what he was about to do is foolish.

"Sorry Yujinnie. Yeah, Let's go~"

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