CHAPTER 15 : Out Of The Blue

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By the time I returned to my room I had several other missed calls from Abby. It was too late to call her back and I was exhausted. I plopped straight onto my bed, shutting my eyes as soon as I was under my blankets. It didn't take long before I drifted off to sleep. 

    "Don't be afraid," he whispered into my ear. 

    "I'm not," I told him even as my hands trembled. 

    "I've got you." Adrian took my hand in his, leading me into the water. The sky was still dark but you could see morning encroaching from the horizon.

    The water wasn't cold as I had feared. It was warm as we floated close to the dock. Adrian pulled me further out. He was a much stronger swimmer than I was. I was struggling just to stay afloat but his firm grasp on my hand ensured that I wouldn't go under. 

    "It's almost morning," I told him, as I stared out at the edge of the seemingly endless lake. Hues of gold, pink and orange touched the sky. "We should probably get back." 

    "Or we could..." He dug his hand into the water, bringing it back up, he splashed me in the face. A mischievous grin spread across his face. 

    "You're gonna pay for that," I took a large gulp of air before I dived into the water dragging him under. Our hands remained interlocked as we floated beneath the surface. He stared at me, I stared back. I resisted the urge to laugh. I floated closer to him, leaning in and placing my lips on his. My lungs began to burn soon but I ignored it, savory the feel of Adrian's lips. But eventually the need for air became greater. 

     We resurfaced gasping for air, a second later he was pulling me closer. He kissed me, slowly at first, almost cautious. Our lips parted for a moment as he caressed my cheek. When he reconnected our lips, he kissed me harder this time. This was heaven.

      I didn't want it to end but for some reason I feared it would. Dread settled in my gut. And though I was in his arms I feared that I'd lost Adrian. Tears trickled down my cheeks as pain filled my heart. 

     "Marcus," he said as he moved away from me, "what's wrong?" 

     "I'm sorry," I sobbed, "I'm so sorry." I had no idea what I was apologizing for or why I suddenly felt so sad. 

      "Hey," he said cupping my chin, forcing me to look up at him, "what are you sorry about?" 

      "I don't know," I sniffled, "can you just hold me." He didn't question me, he held me. His grip on me was tight and warm. I felt safe. And soon my composure returned. Whatever fear that had washed over me passed. 

    "I love you," I whispered as I nuzzled the spot between his neck and his shoulder. 

    "I love you too," he spoke before reconnecting our lips. 


"It would be easier to do without these," I raised my hands to show off the cuffs. They glistened as the light reflected off them. 

    "There's other ways you can do magic," she said standing up. "Magic does not only come from within us, it exists in the natural world as well. Like energy, magic can not be destroyed, only converted into something else. Witches are experts at converting this energy. We can harness the magic embedded in each of the four elements, water, fire, earth and air." She walked over to the table, coming back with a glass water jug. She poured the water on the floor in front of me. 

    She sat on the other side of the pool of water she'd just created. "Water is life. Like blood is to man, water is to the earth. It flows through each vein bringing existence." She stretched her hands out into the water. Upon her touch the water glowed blue as her hands glowed green. "You have to call the magic into yourself." She lifted her still glowing hands, cupping them in front of herself. 

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