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"Are you the last one?" John asked the man standing what looked to be the back of the line?

"Yes," the man replied, he had bright red hair and was wearing a black cloak.

"Thanks, I thought I'll never reach the end of the line."


"Have you seen the line it's turning on corners, full of people."

"That's true."

"I remember years ago when my father came to do this and I made fun of him. And now look at me..."


"At lease, I brought a book to entertained myself while waiting and..."

"Listen, Mr, why don't you do us both a favour and read your book?"

"Alright I'll shut up I was trying to be friendly."


"Because one cannot even..."

"Enough!" Give me the book."

"What are you doing?"

"Yes, Magnes what are you doing?" A voice asked.

Magnes spun around to look at the other man. "Scott long time know seen."

Scott smiled, he was tall, with silver hair, matching his eyes he was dressed in all white. "Yes now why are you standing in a line?"

"Because these foolish humans are standing here too."

John took a step back looking at both men. "Maybe I'll come back another day-"

"You're not going anywhere," Magnes snarled. Magnes turned back to Scott. "Still saving the girls?"

"Yes, of course, is there anything else to do. How is Raquel doing still single?"

"Yes, was hoping you could help with that."

"But I thought she was gay?"

Anger flashed in Magne's eyes, "it's was just a phase!"

"How about Andrea?"

"She's dating Balck, but that's going to end soon."

"Look what happen with Black was years ago, you need to let it go."

Magnes waved his hand making John fly up, everybody else begun to scream and run. Magnes waved his other hand and everybody frozen except him and Scott.

"You were there Its his fault that Emily left me!"

"So now you got him with your daughter to control him?"


Magnes waved his and and John fell to the ground. "Let's go take you to your new girlfriend shell we."

Scott Angel of earthWhere stories live. Discover now