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𝗕𝗲𝗻𝗻𝘆𝘀 𝗯𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗲
( 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗻 𝗽.𝗼.𝘃 )

Two people are stood to the side of a building they are two young girls.

Both with their hair buzzed to their scalp there feet where bare and they are wearing white hospital gowns that are all torn and has some blood and mud on and there skin was very pail.

All of a sudden the back door opens to revel a man in his late 40's carrying a trash bag he was wearing an apron and had loads of tattoo on him.

The twins watch him very closely as he dumps the bag in the bin and heads back in through the door.

twelve looks at her twin for guidance and she points at the door and they both make their way towards it.

Once they come closer to the  food place they sneak through the side doors and creep in they go in and stop and watch him talk to the regular people they ignore them and go around to the kitchen when they enter the double doors they see a pan full of French fries twelve looks around to see the man still talking and turns back to eleven and nods.

they both pick one up and love it and grab a hand full like they have never eaten in there life

"HEY" they whip there heads around to see the man from earlier shouting at them from the dinning room they both look at each over and eleven picks up the pan of fries and twelve sprints after her.

the man starts running after them but he runs in front of the door before they can go out and then he grabs each of them at the top of there arm squishing them together

" you think you can steal from me boys" he gets a closer look at them and realised they where both girls

"what the hell" the girls stop struggling and they and look at him in the eye as eleven's breathing started to pick up

Later that day the girls where wearing benny's burger t-shirts eleven was wearing a yellow one where as twelve had an orange one on they was currently sitting at a table in the dinning room eating food next to each over

benny sat in-front of them the girls that are eating there burgers as if they had never eaten before

" your parents forgot to feed the both of you?" But instead of answering the girls continue to eat the burgers as he continues to ask them questions

"that why you guys run away" nothing

"they hurt you" still nothing

"and you went to the hospital that it ? but got scared and ran off and then found your way here" eleven looked up from eating and looked at her twin then at benny she looked as if she was going to say something but just continued eating her burger

after a couple seconds he takes both of there trays away that look at him confused at why he did that but then he spoke up

"I will give you it back and the two of you can have as much as you like maybe even some ice cream but you have to do be one thing you gotta sender some of my questions" but he got no response

"we'll let's get started my names Benny Benny Hammond" he holds out both of his hands and the girls resist at first but shake it

"nice to meet ya. And you two are" but still no response so benny sighs and starts to withdraw his hand but when doing so he revels a small tattoo on the taller one that says 011

"eleven" he then turns to the shorter girl and flips her hand over to see the same thing but a different engraving in 012

"twelve" but the girl yanked her hand away him

"what's they mean" eleven quickly answered "no"

" well I'll be dammed one of them speaks. No? No what" still nothing

"alright I guess no more then" he stands up and goes to move but the girls speck up

"eleven" "twelve" benny turns around

" eleven and twelve yeah but what do they mean" then the girls point at there selfs.

When eleven finished of her fries she becomes aware of an annoying screeching sound she looks up to see an old rusty oscillating metal fan that screeched every-time it turned around eleven then narrowed her eyes and then fan stoped and eleven looked away and cleaned her hands.

Later on at night the girls are sitting on the counter together as they watch benny clean the dishes twelve had her head on elevens shoulder as eleven ate ice creams out of a pint sized container

"you like the ice creams huh?"eleven looks up from the tub and at benny and then smiles and then at her sister who was now smiling as well

"hey a smile looks good on the two of you" but they look at him confused

"a smile" he then gives a big smile at the two of them witch cause them to smile again but it is cut short by someone knocking  on the door twelve puts her head up and tenses up so she reaches for her sisters hand witch eleven was doing the same

" just stay put whoever it is I'll turn them em away a'ight?" twelve turns away and grabs a spoon and eats some of the ice cream.

They both hear a bang and flip there heads around and watch in horror as benny got shot in the head.

Eleven thinks quickly and grabs onto twelves hand and they both start to sprint through the double doors on there way out to the back door but are met with two agents agents that each have an electric shock stick for each kid

twelve looks at her sister and nods twelve takes the air out of there lungs as eleven breaks there bones.

When the two of them make it out of the back door they run into the woods.

They have been walking for about 20 minuets in the pouring rain and they here people talking in the distance so they decided to follow it

"I'm just saying does that sound smart to you" but the voice was cut of by another one

"shut up" then everything goes quite and the girls continue  to move forward forward

" you guys hear that" they walk forward and see some people with there backs to them eleven accidentally  steps on a twig and all of a sudden there is loads of light on them.

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